Annual Deductible*
Individual $75
Family $225
Preventive Services 100%
Basic Services 80%
Major Services 50%
Annual Benefit Maximum $1,000
Office Visit Copay N/A
Orthodontic Services** None
Orthodontic Deductible None
Orthodontic Lifetime Maximum None
Partial List of Services
Oral examinations (a)
Cleanings (a) Adult/Child
Fluoride (a)
Sealants (permanent molars only) (a)
Bitewing Images (a)
Full mouth series Images (a)
Root canal therapy
Anterior teeth / Bicuspid teeth
Space Maintainers
Scaling and root planing (a)
Amalgam (silver) fillings
Composite fillings (anterior teeth only)
Stainless steel crowns
Incision and drainage of abscess*
Uncomplicated extractions
Surgical removal of erupted tooth*
Surgical removal of impacted tooth (soft tissue)*
Denture repairs
Full & partial dentures
Surgical removal of impacted tooth (partial bony/ full bony)*
Root canal therapy, molar teeth
General anesthesia/intravenous sedation*
Osseous surgery (a)*
Crown Build-Ups
Full Mouth Debridement (D4355)/ 1 per lifetime
With PPOII Network
*Certain services may be covered under the Medical Plan. Contact Member Services for more details.
Farmers Agent Group Benefits -Out-of-Area benefit plan
(a) Frequency and/or age limitations may apply to these services. These limits are described in the booklet/certificate.
Passive PPO
Passive PPO
*The deductible applies to: Basic,Major & Orthodontic services only
**Orthodontia is covered only for children (appliance must be placed prior to age 26).
Dental Benefits Summary
Effective Date: 01-01-2018
With PPOII Network
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Farmers Agent Group Benefits -Out-of-Area benefit plan
Passive PPO
Dental Benefits Summary
Effective Date: 01-01-2018
2. Services and supplies to diagnose or treat a disease or injury that is not:
(a) a non-occupational disease; or
This Aetna Dental® Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) benefits summary is provided by Aetna Life Insurance Company for
some of the more frequently performed dental procedures. Under the Dental Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan, you
may choose at the time of service either a PPO participating dentist or any nonparticipating dentist. With the PPO plan, savings
are possible because the participating dentists have agreed to provide care for covered services at negotiated rates. Non-
participating benefits are subject to recognized charge limits.
Other Important Information
(b) under any other plan of group benefits provided by or through your employer.
If you need emergency dental care for the palliative treatment (pain relieving, stabilizing) of a dental emergency, you are covered
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Emergency Dental Care
(b) a crown, bridge, or cast or processed restoration if a tooth was prepared for it before the person became a covered
person; or
(c) root canal therapy if the pulp chamber for it was opened before the person became a covered person.
(b) a non-occupational injury.
8. Those for any of the following services (Does not apply to the DMO plan in TX):
(a) an appliance or modification of one if an impression for it was made before the person became a covered person;
3. Services not listed in the Dental Care Schedule that applies, unless otherwise specified in the Booklet-Certificate.
4. Those for replacement of a lost, missing or stolen appliance, and those for replacement of appliances that have been damaged
due to abuse, misuse or neglect.
5. Those for plastic, reconstructive or cosmetic surgery, or other dental services or supplies, that are primarily intended to
improve, alter or enhance appearance. This applies whether or not the services and supplies are for psychological or emotional
reasons. Facings on molar crowns and pontics will always be considered cosmetic.
6. Those for or in connection with services, procedures, drugs or other supplies that are determined by Aetna to be experimental
or still under clinical investigation by health professionals.
7. Those for dentures, crowns, inlays, onlays, bridgework, or other appliances or services used for the purpose of splinting, to alter
vertical dimension, to restore occlusion, or to correct attrition, abrasion or erosion.
1. Services or supplies that are covered in whole or in part:
(a) under any other part of this Dental Care Plan; or
Partial List of Exclusions and Limitations* - Coverage is not provided for the following:
When emergency services are provided by a participating PPO dentist, your co-payment/coinsurance amount will be based on a
negotiated fee schedule. When emergency services are provided by a non-participating dentist, you will be responsible for the
difference between the plan payment and the dentist's usual charge. Refer to your plan documents for details. Subject to state
requirements. Out-of-area emergency dental care may be reviewed by our dental consultants to verify appropriateness of
(b) as prescribed for any period of open enrollment agreed to by the employer and Aetna. This does not apply to charges
9. Services that Aetna defines as not necessary for the diagnosis, care or treatment of the condition involved. This applies even
if they are prescribed, recommended or approved by the attending physician or dentist.
10. Those for services intended for treatment of any jaw joint disorder, unless otherwise specified in the Booklet-Certificate.
11. Those for space maintainers, except when needed to preserve space resulting from the premature loss of deciduous teeth.
12. Those for orthodontic treatment, unless otherwise specified in the Booklet-Certificate.
(i) after the end of the 12-month period starting on the date the person became a covered person; or
(ii) as a result of accidental injuries sustained while the person was a covered person; or
(iii) for a primary care service in the Dental Care Schedule that applies as shown under the headings Visits and Exams,
and X-rays and Pathology.
13. Those for general anesthesia and intravenous sedation, unless specifically covered. For plans that cover these services, they
will not be eligible for benefits unless done in conjunction with another necessary covered service.
14. Those for treatment by other than a dentist, except that scaling or cleaning of teeth and topical application of fluoride may be
done by a licensed dental hygienist. In this case, the treatment must be given under the supervision and guidance of a dentist.
15. Those in connection with a service given to a person age 5 or older if that person becomes a covered person other than:
(a) during the first 31 days the person is eligible for this coverage, or
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Farmers Agent Group Benefits -Out-of-Area benefit plan
Passive PPO
Dental Benefits Summary
Effective Date: 01-01-2018
21. Services done where there is no evidence of pathology, dysfunction or disease other than covered preventive services.
16. Services given by a nonparticipating dental provider to the extent that the charges exceed the amount payable for the services
shown in the Dental Care Schedule that applies.
17. Those for a crown, cast or processed restoration unless:
(a) it is treatment for decay or traumatic injury, and teeth cannot be restored with a filling material; or
(b) the tooth is an abutment to a covered partial denture or fixed bridge.
18. Those for pontics, crowns, cast or processed restorations made with high-noble metals, unless otherwise specified in the
19. Those for surgical removal of impacted wisdom teeth only for orthodontic reasons, unless otherwise specified in the Booklet-
20. Services needed solely in connection with non-covered services.
Specific products may not be available on both a self-funded and insured basis. The information in this document is subject to
change without notice. In case of a conflict between your plan documents and this information, the plan documents will govern.
Your Dental Care Plan Coverage Is Subject to the Following Rules:
Replacement Rule
The replacement of; addition to; or modification of: existing dentures; crowns; casts or processed restorations; removable
denture; fixed bridgework; or other prosthetic services is covered only if one of the following terms is met:
Any exclusion above will not apply to the extent that coverage of the charges is required under any law that applies to the
(a) the copayment for the approved less costly service; plus
*This is a partial list of exclusions and limitations, others may apply. Please check your plan booklet for details.
Coverage for the first installation of removable dentures; fixed bridgework and other prosthetic services is subject to the
requirements that such removable dentures; fixed bridgework and other prosthetic services are (i) needed to replace one or more
natural teeth that were removed while this policy was in force for the covered person; and (ii) are not abutments to a partial
denture; removable bridge; or fixed bridge installed during the prior 8 years.
Alternate Treatment Rule: If more than one service can be used to treat a covered person’s dental condition, Aetna may decide to
authorize coverage only for a less costly covered service provided that all of the following terms are met:
(a) the service must be listed on the Dental Care Schedule;
(b) the service selected must be deemed by the dental profession to be an appropriate method of treatment; and
(c) the service selected must meet broadly accepted national standards of dental practice.
The replacement or addition of teeth is required to replace one or more teeth extracted after the existing denture or
bridgework was installed. This coverage must have been in force for the covered person when the extraction took place.
The existing denture, crown; cast or processed restoration, removable denture, bridgework, or other prosthetic service cannot be
made serviceable, and was installed at least 5 years before its replacement.
The existing denture is an immediate temporary one to replace one or more natural teeth extracted while the person is covered,
and cannot be made permanent, and replacement by a permanent denture is required. The replacement must take place within
12 months from the date of initial installation of the immediate temporary denture.
Tooth Missing But Not Replaced Rule
The extraction of a third molar does not qualify. Any such appliance or fixed bridge must include the replacement of an extracted
tooth or teeth.
If treatment is being given by a participating dental provider and the covered person asks for a more costly covered service than
that for which coverage is approved, the specific copayment for such service will consist of:
(b) the difference in cost between the approved less costly service and the more costly covered service.
Finding Participating Providers
Consult Aetna Dentals online provider directory, DocFind®, for the most current provider listings. Participating providers are
independent contractors in private practice and are neither employees nor agents of Aetna Dental or its affiliates. The availability
of any particular provider cannot be guaranteed, and provider network composition is subject to change without notice. For the
most current information, please contact the selected provider or Aetna Member Services at the toll-free number on your online ID
card, or use our Internet-based provider directory (DocFind) available at
In the event of a problem with coverage, members should contact Member Services at the toll-free number on their online ID cards
for information on how to utilize the grievance procedure when appropriate.
All member care and related decisions are the sole responsibility of participating providers. Aetna Dental does not provide health
care services and, therefore, cannot guarantee any results or outcomes.
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Farmers Agent Group Benefits -Out-of-Area benefit plan
Passive PPO
Dental Benefits Summary
Effective Date: 01-01-2018
Para obtener asistencia lingüística en español, llame sin cargo al 877-238-6200. (Spanish)
Pour une assistance linguistique en français appeler le 877-238-6200 sans frais. (French)
Para sa tulong sa wika na nasa Tagalog, tawagan ang 877-238-6200 nang walang bayad. (Tagalog)
Benötigen Sie Hilfe oder Informationen in deutscher Sprache? Rufen Sie uns kostenlos unter der Nummer 877-238-6200 an.
Aetna complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate, exclude or treat people differently based on
their race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.
Aetna provides free aids/services to people with disabilities and to people who need language assistance.
If you need a qualified interpreter, written information in other formats, translation or other services, call 877-238-6200.
If you believe we have failed to provide these services or otherwise discriminated based on a protected class noted above, you can
also file a grievance with the Civil Rights Coordinator by contacting:
Civil Rights Coordinator,
P.O. Box 14462, Lexington, KY 40512 (CA HMO customers: PO Box 24030 Fresno, CA 93779),
You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights
Complaint Portal, available at, or at: U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, 200 Independence Avenue SW., Room 509F, HHH Building, Washington, DC 20201, or at 1-800-368-1019, 800-537-
7697 (TDD).
Aetna is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of subsidiary companies,
including Aetna Life Insurance Company, Coventry Health Care plans and their affiliates (Aetna).
TTY: 711
For language assistance in your language call 877-238-6200 at no cost. (English)
1-800-648-7817, TTY: 711,
Fax: 859-425-3379 (CA HMO customers: 860-262-7705),
CRCoordinato[email protected].
This material is for informational purposes only and is neither an offer of coverage nor dental advice. It contains only a partial,
general description of plan or program benefits and does not constitute a contract. The availability of a plan or program may vary
by geographic service area. Certain dental plans are available only for groups of a certain size in accordance with underwriting
guidelines. Some benefits are subject to limitations or exclusions. Consult the plan documents (Schedule of Benefits,
Certificate/Evidence of Coverage, Booklet, Booklet-Certificate, Group Agreement, Group Policy) to determine governing
contractual provisions, including procedures, exclusions and limitations relating to your plan.
Dental plans are provided or administered by Aetna Life Insurance Company, Aetna Dental Inc., Aetna Dental of California Inc.
and/or Aetna Health Inc.
In Texas, the Dental Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) is known as the Participating Dental Network (PDN), and is
administered by Aetna Life Insurance Company.
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Farmers Agent Group Benefits -Out-of-Area benefit plan
Passive PPO
Dental Benefits Summary
Effective Date: 01-01-2018
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