September 2021 1
The Smarter Balanced Study Group recommends that the Smarter Balanced
assessment should not be used in the UC admissions process.
In May of 2020, the Board of Regents of the University of California voted to suspend
the use of scores from the SAT/ACT standardized tests in the UC freshman application
for admission until 2024. This decision, which is part of the ongoing effort by the
university to advance educational opportunity and equity, was based on the view that
these tests are biased because they systematically and unfairly reduce the likelihood
that underrepresented and low-income high school students will be accepted to the
university. The decision was followed by a proposal from then UC President Janet
Napolitano to form a work group to determine the feasibility of creating or identifying a
replacement standardized test for UC freshman applications that is fair to the student,
useful in the admissions process, and ready to implement in the fall of 2025.
In fall of 2020, the Feasibility Study Steering Committee
( and the
Feasibility Study Work Group
( were convened
for this purpose. These groups completed their work in December 2020 with three
conclusions: (1) it is not feasible for the university to develop its own test in the specified
time frame, (2) modification of the SAT/ACT is not a viable option given long-standing
concerns about the fairness of these tests, and (3) it may be feasible to leverage an
existing test, under certain conditions, for use in UC freshman admissions. The groups
suggested exploration of the state’s Smarter Balanced (SB) assessment given that,
among other things, it is already required of all California public school students in 11
grade, it aligns with the state’s Common Core academic standards, and it is
administered free of charge.
In April of 2021, UC President Drake asked the Academic Senate to undertake an
exploration of the Smarter Balanced assessment to determine if it can provide added
value in the UC admissions process in an equitable manner. In response, the Academic
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Senate created the Smarter Balanced Study Group (SBSG), composed of eight faculty
members from across the UC system with expertise in educational testing and policy,
co-chaired by Mary Gauvain, Chair of the UC Academic Senate, and Madeleine
Sorapure, Vice Chair of the Senate Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools
(BOARS), and staffed by two members of the UC President’s office (Roster attached).
SBSG Charge. The President asked the SBSG to explore the following questions using
the BOARS principles on admissions testing
Q1. What is the current evidence that Smarter Balanced assessment scores, either
alone or when paired with HSGPA, correlate with UC freshman admission rates (by
campus, by ethnicity, first generation) as compared to SAT/ACT?
Q2. What is the current evidence that Smarter Balanced assessment scores, either
alone or when paired with HSGPA, predict first-year college outcomes (GPA,
persistence to year 2) for UC students as compared to SAT/ACT?
Q3. Could a higher Smarter Balanced assessment score improve the probability of
admission of students from underrepresented groups and those who would be the
first in their families to attend college? For example, what are the admission rates for
students with lower HSGPA and higher Smarter Balanced assessment scores,
disaggregated by campus, ethnicity and first-generation status?
Q4. What measures has the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
taken to minimize any bias and disparities, at the item and instrument levels, for
students who are from underrepresented groups? Are those measures reasonable
and sufficient?
Meetings. The SBSG met eight times, on Zoom, between June and September of
2021. SBSG conferred with representatives from the UCOP offices of Institutional
Research and Academic Planning (IRAP) and Undergraduate Admissions, and it also
reviewed relevant data and evidence provided by these offices. SBSG also met with
representatives from the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC), the
nonprofit collaborative that developed and oversees the SB assessment, to discuss the
nature of this assessment, SBAC’s efforts to assess and reduce bias, the suitability of
these assessments for UC admissions, and the potential to modify them to meet the
university’s goals. SBSG also met with admissions officers from UC Irvine and UCLA to
discuss the holistic admissions process, learn about the application review and
acceptance process this past year when SAT/ACT scores were not included in the
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application, and discover their views on the applicability and utility of including the SB
assessments in UC freshman applications. (Note, admissions officers from other
campuses were also invited, but their schedules did not allow them to attend.) SBSG
also devoted substantial time to the discussion of UC admissions goals and testing
more broadly.
Overview of the Report. The report begins with a brief description of the current
admissions situation at the UC. It then provides SBSG’s responses to each of the four
questions posed in the charge. Insights SBSG obtained from representatives from
SBAC, IRAP, and the UC admissions offices are included throughout the report. The
report concludes with the SBSG main recommendation, followed by several additional
recommendations for the university regarding college preparation and admissions.
The number of students who apply to the UC has increased substantially over the last
decade. In the fall 2021 admissions cycle, the first cycle following the removal of the
SAT/ACT scores, the number of freshman applications reached an all-time high, with
over 200,000 applications systemwide, compared to just over 172,000 in 2020
residency.pdf). Although there are likely many reasons for this increase, the absence of
the SAT/ACT requirement in the application undoubtedly explains some of it. The
COVID-19 pandemic also occurred during this period along with its wide-ranging effects
on students’ educational experience, including greater use of pass/no pass grading,
which may have helped increase UC applications.
The number of admission offers was also at an all-time high this year, with over 130,000
admits and with 43% of the California admits from underrepresented groups. In 2020,
UC admitted just over 119,000 students, and 42% of the California admits were from
underrepresented groups (
planning/_files/factsheets/2021/fall-2021-admission-table-2-1.pdf). The number of low-
income students admitted also increased by 10% since 2020
planning/_files/factsheets/2021/fall-2021-admission-table-3.pdf). The admissions
process varied across the system, with each campus using high school Grade Point
Average (HSGPA) and some combination of the 12 other factors used in the
comprehensive review of applicants
review/).The admissions officers from UC Irvine and UCLA reported that reading and
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evaluating applications was difficult this past year, but, in their view, the main challenge
was the large number of applications and not the absence of the SAT/ACT score.
What does the increase in applications tell us? As the data indicate, the university is
in high demand. How we meet this demand going forward is a matter of great concern.
California has many high achieving secondary students, and in recent years, UC has
been asked to serve more and more of them. As one of three public institutions of
higher learning in the State, UC has the responsibility to serve as many Californians as
possible who meet our criteria for admission. However, present capacity levels of the
institution, set by State budget allocations, mean that the university is unable to serve all
the California high school students who merit admission. This reality makes it necessary
to have an equitable admissions process that can identify students who are adequately
prepared for and can benefit from the opportunities offered at the university. Equity is
central to this effort, especially because educational attainment is one of the best
predictors of lifetime earnings for individuals and college degree attainment remains the
most effective means of ensuring social mobility. Also, as a state public institution, the
UC is obliged to create a student body that is representative of the demographic profile
of California.
Gaps in access to UC. The UC admission process must not only identify potential
students among a large number of qualified high school students in an equitable way, it
must do so in the context of persistent opportunity gaps in applicants’ prior schooling
contexts and experiences and achievement gaps in GPA and test scores among
applicants. These gaps are, in part, evidenced by systematic differences by income and
race/ethnicity on standardized measures of academic achievement (i.e., standardized
test scores) and high school GPA (HSGPA). On average, students who are
socioeconomically disadvantaged perform less well on achievement tests and HSGPA
than their more advantaged peers. On average, African American, Hispanic/Latinx,
American Indian, and Asian/Pacific Islander heritage students from poor family
backgrounds tend to perform less well on the tests and HSGPA compared to students
from other social groups. Finally, there are important intersections of race and income;
students from different racial/ethnic backgrounds have a differential likelihood of being
socioeconomically disadvantaged based on structured societal inequities.
The reasons for these performance disparities and opportunity gaps are clear and have
been studied extensively (e.g., Carter & Welner, 2013; Desimone & Long, 2010;
Michelmore & Dynarski, 2017). The educational experiences of disadvantaged students
differ markedly from that of their more advantaged peers, and this difference is reflected
in and maintained over the years of schooling. Educational settings in poor communities
have fewer resources to support student learning and academic growth. It is not
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surprising, then, that on average, students from less resourced schools tend to perform
less well than their counterparts who attend better resourced schools. The cumulative
effect of these differences, from kindergarten through high school, is profound and is
reflected in performance on standardized tests and HSGPA. When institutions of higher
learning rely heavily on these tests for admission, a student’s performance directly
affects the chances of being admitted, especially at institutions with highly competitive
applicant pools.
In other words, although standardized test scores and HSGPA are presumed to signify
an individual’s academic skills and readiness for the university, these scores also
reflect, to varying degrees, broader social and educational inequities in the school
context. Furthermore, opportunity gaps are notably exacerbated by accumulated
advantages over time experienced by high income and traditionally privileged students
from dominant backgrounds. Thus, as disadvantages are created over time throughout
the schooling process, so too are accumulated advantages. All in all, the idea that any
academic achievement measure, even measures that are standardized and
administered in a consistent manner across test takers, can circumvent the broader
societal context in which academic opportunity and achievement are inextricably linked
should be met with skepticism.
The Smarter Balanced assessment. The SB assessment is a standardized test based
on the Common Core curriculum (a subset of the A-G course content for UC) given
once per year to public school children in grades 3 to 8 and grade 11. It was developed
and is overseen by the nonprofit Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
that works in partnership with boards of education, schools, and classroom teachers in
several states. Its purpose is to inform schools and teachers about how well their
students are meeting the learning goals of the Common Core curriculum. Unlike high-
stakes tests that have direct consequences for the test taker, the SB assessment is a
low-stakes test because the information it yields is used as feedback to parents,
students, teachers, schools, and school districts.
From the outset, the SBSG, like the preceding Feasibility Study Work Group, had
several reservations about the appropriateness of this assessment for university
admissions purposes.
First, as previously noted, the SB assessment measures how well classes or schools
are performing relative to benchmarks in the Common Core standards. As a result, its
use for UC admission would require a reframing (or expansion) of the assessment
beyond a K-12 accountability tool, and, thus, it seems likely to us that it would distort the
utility and validity of the assessment.
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Second, the use of the SB assessment to help decide on an individual student’s
admission to the UC would transform it from a low-stakes to a high-stakes test, and
problems associated with high-stakes testing would likely ensue. These problems
include, but are not limited to, worries and anxieties by students about their test
performance and efforts by schools, students, and families to optimize student
performance through test preparation and other means. Test preparation and related
efforts are time consuming and expensive, and because they exacerbate social
inequities, they end up reducing the access of disadvantaged students to the university.
Finally, the SB assessment, like other standardized tests, reflects and reproduces
inequalities and opportunity gaps in the K-12 system that, in turn, disadvantage
students in lower-income and underrepresented groups. As noted above as well as in
the Feasibility Study Steering Committee report and the Standardized Testing Task
Force report, students at lower-resourced schools have unequal access to opportunities
to learn which directly impacts their performance on standardized tests.
Now we turn to the four questions posed in the charge to the SBWG. We begin with
Question 4 regarding bias in the SB assessment because it provides useful framing for
our responses to the remaining questions.
[Q4] What measures has the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
taken to minimize any bias and disparities, at the item and instrument levels, for
students who are from underrepresented groups? Are those measures
reasonable and sufficient?
In answering this question, we follow the recommendation in the Standards for
Educational and Psychological Testing (American Educational Research Association,
American Psychological Association, and National Council on Measurement in
Education [AERA, APA, & NCME], 2014, p. 1) that “all professional test developers,
sponsors, publishers, and users should make reasonable efforts to satisfy and follow
the Standards and should encourage others to do so” (emphasis added).
The Standards provides a framework for evaluating if the SBAC took reasonable and
sufficient steps to minimize bias and disparities in scores for students from
underrepresented groups. The Standards will also be useful in understanding the
responses to the other three questions which are related to predictive and incremental
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According to the Standards, scores on commercial measures and measures that
contribute to making high stakes decisions, including college admissions, are expected
to meet rigorous psychometric standards of validity, reliability, and fairness. The
question of bias is specifically related to the issue of fairness, which is defined as “the
validity of test score interpretations for intended use(s) for individuals from all relevant
subgroups. A test that is fair minimizes the construct-irrelevant variance associated with
individual characteristics and testing contexts that otherwise would compromise the
validity of scores for some individuals” (AERA, APA, & NCME, 2014, p. 219). Thus,
fairness contributes to the validity of the inferences derived from test scores because it
ensures that test performance does not vary systemically based on an individual’s
social or demographic characteristics. Reliability is “the degree to which scores are free
of random errors of measurement for a given group” (AERA, APA, & NCME, 2014, p.
223). This psychometric dimension of a test indicates the extent to which an individual’s
scores are similar over time and contexts and, therefore, consistently indicate the
individual’s performance on the construct being measured, rather than the individual’s
performance on a single assessment only or a score that is subject to other factors
extraneous to the construct.
Thus, test scores that are not fair or reliable cannot yield valid inferences; in other
words, they are not informative regarding an individual’s performance on whatever the
measure purports to assess. Moreover, issues of fairness, reliability, and ultimately,
validity (“the degree to which accumulated evidence and theory support a specific
interpretation of test scores for a given use of a test” [AERA, APA, & NCME, 2014, p.
225]), do not come into play after one has a test score; rather, they must be addressed
from the beginning of the test development process.
In its 2010 report, SBAC, citing the 1999 version of the Standards, indicated a
commitment to developing a balanced assessment system that was “credible, fair, and
technically sound” (SBAC, 2010, p. 2). To this end, in developing the SB assessments
for California, the SBAC has taken steps to ensure equity at several stages in an
evidence-centered design (ECD) approach. Across the design and planning, item
writing and review, field testing, and operational reviews and interpretation stages,
SBAC engages in various steps (SBAC, 2021a, 2021b, 2021c). These steps include the
Recruiting multidisciplinary and diverse teams of educators and education
leaders as well as experts in content, technology, accessibility and equity,
psycholinguistics and English language learning, psychometrics, and students
with disabilities to inform all aspects of the test design, development, and delivery
September 2021 8
Using multiple approaches to mitigate bias by recruiting facilitators, item writers,
and item reviewers that represent a diversity of views and multidisciplinary
expertise and providing standardized bias and sensitivity training to these
individuals to decrease the probability that the items are biased. Additionally, all
items are reviewed for content and adherence to the bias and sensitivity
guidelines by a diverse group of educators;
Conducting laboratory and field-based assessments with students, including
groups of students who are underrepresented in higher education, to ensure that
the tests are measuring construct-relevant materials;
Further psychometric evaluation at the item level includes conducting differential
item functioning (DIF) analyses for groups by gender, ethnicity-race, English
learner status, disability status, and Title 1/non-Title 1 school status; and at the
test level, includes examining the test scores for all students and for
demographic subgroups to ensure that they are comparable across groups and
high enough for use in high stakes decision making.
Using these various methods, any items that exhibit bias are removed from the item
pool (SBAC, 2021a, 2021b). Thus, the process outlined by SBAC is in keeping with the
Standards (2014) and is reasonable and sufficient to minimize bias and disparities
including with regard to underrepresented groups (emphasis added).
However, the SBSG notes that these efforts are largely aimed at reducing bias at the
item level and that additional efforts to reduce bias and disparities at the level of the test
are limited. These test-level scores reflect the aforementioned opportunity and
achievement gaps, and the same pattern of score differences present in the SAT and
ACT manifest in the SB assessment, with similar predictive validity (Kurlaender &
Cohen, 2019). Thus, despite all of the processes SBAC has in place for developing their
assessments, “large, persistent differences in performance exist between different racial
and ethnic groups at the test level” (SBAC, 2021b, p. 8). This outcome is not surprising,
as the SB assessments are assessing the same constructs (i.e., student achievement in
core academic subjects) assessed by the SAT, ACT, and HSGPA, and the pattern of
differences in the SB scores mirrors the patterns in all of these other assessments.
[Q1] What is the current evidence that Smarter Balanced assessment scores,
either alone or when paired with GPA, correlate with UC freshman admission
rates (by campus, by ethnicity, first generation) as compared to SAT/ACT?
To answer this question, we relied on Analysis of Potential Use of Smarter Balanced
Scores in Admissions and Placement at the University of California by UCOP’s
Institutional Research and Academic Planning (IRAP, in progress).
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Descriptive data were provided to explore the 2016, 2017, and 2018 admissions years.
Looking at the most recent year of data we note a clear pattern in admit rates by the
four Smarter Balanced performance standards: Did Not Meet, Nearly Met, Met, and
Exceeded. Students who met or exceeded the California 11
grade performance
standards are more likely to be admitted to UC, when compared to students who nearly
met or did not meet standards. This pattern is consistent across gender, race/ethnicity,
first-generation status, income, LCFF school designation, and UC campuses.
When exploring admit rates by SB levels and HSGPA we note that the overall pattern of
admit rates by SB levels holds across different GPA bands (i.e., <3.78; 3.784.08; and
>4.08), but it is more pronounced at the lower GPA bands. That is, the difference in
admit rates by SB levels appears to be more prominent among lower GPA students.
This general pattern holds across gender and in most cases race/ethnicity. As
expected, admit rates among lower GPA students (<3.78) are lower than among higher
GPA students, and adjusting for GPA levels, those with higher SB scores are still more
likely to be admitted than are those with lower SB scores. This is generally the case for
all groups; however, we note some differences in magnitudes by race, that are more
pronounced among lower GPA students. For students that are in the lower GPA band
(<3.78) and whose SB scores exceeded standards, African American students have
admit rates of 49%, Asian students 59%, White students at 39%, and Latinx students at
Exploring these relationships by campus, we note that most of the UC campuses admit
very few students with GPAs less than 3.78; among those who do (i.e., Merced,
Riverside, and Santa Cruz), this pattern also holds. Conditional on GPA, students with
higher SB scores are more likely to be admitted. At higher GPA levels (>3.78), we still
note that SB scores seem to be correlated with admit rates at several of the UC
campuses (namely, Irvine, San Diego, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz).
Supplemental analyses by Kurlaender and Cohen (2021) predict UC admission on the
basis of HSGPA (weighted and unweighted), with SBAC and SAT, respectively. These
analyses reveal that both the SAT and SBAC increase the predictive power of
admission status, above and beyond HSGPA to a moderate degree, but the difference
between the contribution of the SBAC versus the SAT is negligible. Results are
remarkably consistent by student subgroups and across all of the UC campuses
(Kurlaender & Cohen, unpublished).
[Q2] What is the current evidence that Smarter Balanced assessment scores,
either alone or when paired with GPA, predict first-year college outcomes (GPA,
persistence to year 2) for UC students as compared to SAT/ACT?
We first discuss the results from the Kurlaender and Cohen (2019) study for GPA and
IRAP’s analysis mentioned above (IRAP, in progress). Then we turn to results for
student persistence to year 2. Following an overall summary of these results, we make
a conclusion regarding the question.
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Evidence Regarding GPA. In terms of predicting first-year GPA at UC campuses
(UCGPA), high school GPA (HSGPA), the SAT test (SAT), and the SB assessment are
all quite similar in terms of raw scores, with the SAT doing best (correlation of .57), and
HSGPA and SB scores being somewhat lower (.48 and .51, respectively). When
Kurlaender and Cohen (2019) controlled statistically for the contribution of several
related, and potentially confounding, factors (such as a high school quality index,
parental SES), the values of the correlations are slightly higher and closer together
among the three measures (HSGPA, .57; SB, .54; SAT, .58), which suggests the
measures are tapping similar student information.
When HSGPA is combined with each of the other two measures (SAT, SB score), the
correlations improve (concentrating now on the raw scores without the controls
mentioned above). Adding the SB score to HSGPA increases the correlation to .58, an
improvement of .10, while adding the SAT to HSGPA increases the correlation to .62,
an improvement of .14. In terms of change in the percent of variance accounted for, SB
score increases the explained variation from 23.0% to 33.6%, and SAT increases it to
Going beyond a combination of the HSGPA with each of the other measures, one can
consider the correlation of UCGPA with both of them, and the increase is quite small,
with SAT adding 4.8 percentage points to HSGPA+ SB score, while the SB score adds
nothing to the combination of HSGPA+ SAT.
Examining the results when looking across race/ethnicity, socioeconomic disadvantage,
and school quality, the results are much the same. There is a slight improvement in
correlation for SAT (compared to SB score) in terms of school quality.
We also examined the effect of HSGPA, SAT, and SB scores on subgroup
representation in the top 10% of the UC applicant pool. Looking first at student ethnicity,
compared to HSGPA, both SB scores and SAT result in (a) increases for Asian/Pacific
Islanders (from 37% to 55% and 61%, respectively), and decreases for White (35% to
31% and 29%, respectively), Hispanic/Latinx (22% to 9% and 5%, respectively), and
African American (2% to 1% and .06%, respectively) students. This pattern tells us that
using either test reduces the proportions of African American, Hispanic/Latinx, and
White students in the top 10%, while it increases the proportion of Asian/Pacific Islander
students. The same procedure can be carried out for socioeconomic disadvantage, and
the results are similar. Compared to HSGPA, both SB scores and SAT result in fewer
disadvantaged students in the top 10% (29% to 15% and 8%, respectively).
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Finally, when similar analyses were conducted for UCGPA, as seen in IRAP’s analysis
(IRAP, in progress), the overall results broadly reflect these results (though IRAP also
included the ACT Composite test score).
Evidence Regarding Persistence to Year 2. In terms of persistence of students to
year 2 of their studies, the overall results from the Kurlaender and Cohen (2019) study
are largely consistent with those for UCGPA (IRAP, in progress). That is, the SB score
does just about as well as the SAT, either alone, or when paired with HSGPA. The main
point though is that none of these three measures is a strong predictor of year 2
persistence. However, this might be due to a “ceiling” effect that is, 93% of UC
students do indeed persist into second year, so there is not much variation that could be
sensitive to any student measure.
These results indicate that all three measures (SAT, SB score, HSGPA) do about
equally well in predicting first-year UCGPA. More specifically, the SB score does about
as well as either HSGPA or SAT in predicting a student’s first-year GPA at the UC.
When considered as additive to HSGPA, both SB scores and SAT add a moderate
amount of information, and, again, about the same amount (i.e., the SB score does
about as well as the SAT in increasing explanatory power). Looking at subgroups, in
terms of representation in the predicted top 10% of the UC applicant pool, students with
more socioeconomic disadvantage and students from underrepresented groups fare
considerably better when using just HSGPA than when it is combined with either the
score from SB score or SAT. In terms of persistence to year 2, the results are much the
same, though somewhat less conclusive, as none of the measures predict even
Our conclusion regarding the specific question is that SB scores, either alone or when
paired with HSGPA, predict first-year college outcomes (GPA, persistence to year 2) for
UC students about equally as well as the SAT.
[Q3] Could a higher Smarter Balanced assessment score improve the probability
of admission of students from underrepresented groups and those who would be
the first in their families to attend college? For example, what are the admission
rates for students with lower GPA and higher SB scores, disaggregated by
campus, ethnicity and first-generation status?
The answer to this question is necessarily speculative for two reasons. First, since the
UC has never considered SB scores in admissions decisions, the currently available
data cannot tell us how those scores would be used in admission decisions. Second,
existing data also cannot tell us how higher SB scores might affect the probability of
September 2021 12
admission under an admissions process that does not use the SAT or ACT score.
Although the cohort of applicants for Fall 2021 was evaluated without SAT or ACT
scores, this cohort also did not take the SB assessment in 11th grade due to the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Data from previous admissions cycles do tell us that students with higher SB scores are
sometimes admitted despite having a HSGPA that is lower than most other admitted
applicants. However, it is unclear why these students were more likely to be admitted. It
is likely due, at least in part, to the strong correlation between SB scores and SAT
scores and the role that SAT historically played in admissions. However, it could also be
driven by other qualifications that cause students with high SB scores to receive higher
evaluations, independent of their SAT scores.
If we assume that the positive correlation between the SB assessment and SAT is the
primary explanation for the higher admit rates of students with higher SB scores among
those with lower HSGPAsand if we further assume that SB scores would be used in
admissions decisions similarly to the way SAT scores were used in past yearsthen we
can conclude that the use of SB scores in admissions would likely tend to benefit
groups of students with historically higher average SAT scores. Specifically, while it
would improve the probability of admission for some students from historically excluded
groups and first-generation students, it would disproportionately benefit Asian/Pacific
Islander students and students from higher-income families, while reducing admission
rates of African American, Hispanic/Latinx, and low-income applicants.
To be sure, considerations discussed elsewhere in this report are also relevant to this
question. In particular, there are some reasons to believe that the SB assessment (as
compared to the SAT) might provide a better and more equitable tool for identifying
students with lower HSGPAs but high potential to succeed academically. First, it is
possible that, at least initially, SB scores would be less influenced by extracurricular
coaching and test-preparation since the SB assessment is designed to test the
Common Core State Standards taught in all California public schools (but this might be
modified over time). Second, since all California public school students take the SB
assessment in 11th grade, informational tools could be developed to encourage
students with high scores to apply. Third, the availability of SB scores for all California
public school students could make it easier for admissions committees to evaluate the
scores in the local context of each student’s high school. By contrast, it is harder to
adjust SAT scores for local context because in lower-performing schools, only the very
highest-scoring students submit applications to the UC.
As to the identification of the top 10% of students in the UC applicant pool, Kurlaender
and Cohen (2019) find that when SB scores are combined with high school GPA to
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predict first-year GPA among UC freshmen, lower-income applicants and those from
historically excluded groups are somewhat more likely to be represented in the top 10%
of the UC applicant pool when SB scores replace SAT scores in the prediction model.
That said, predicting first-year UCGPA based on high school GPA alone yields the most
diverse top 10% pool in terms of lower-income and historically excluded groups of
At the same time, there are reasons to doubt that use of the SB assessment would lead
to improved admissions probabilities for students from historically excluded and
disadvantaged groups. If used in the UC admissions process, the SB assessment would
become a high-stakes test. For this reason alone, the distributions of scores in
particular by income, race, ethnicity and gender are likely to become more similar to
those seen in the SAT. For example, as discussed elsewhere in this report, the
introduction of any new test in the UC admission process is likely to be followed by the
development of test-preparation courses and coaching services in the private market, to
the advantage of students with greater family resources.
In sum, there is no guarantee that use of the SB assessment in UC admissions would
lead to higher admission rates of students from historically excluded groups and those
who would be the first in their families to attend college. However, the question of how
best to identify students with high potential for success but lower HSGPAs especially
those from disadvantaged backgrounds is an important one that deserves further
attention. Data from future cohorts of UC applicants would allow a formal analysis of
how dropping the SAT from the admissions process affected the admission rates of
students with higher SB scores but lower HSGPAs, including detailed breakdowns of
this impact across campuses and student demographics. The committee strongly
recommends that the UC continuously evaluate how the move to test-free admissions is
affecting patterns of applications, admissions, and student success. This work could be
done through a sub-committee of BOARS in coordination with IRAP.
Based on our analyses and deliberations, the SBSG believes that the SB assessment is
not appropriate as an admissions test, required or optional, for the UC. Data show that
SB 11
grade test scores add only modest incremental value beyond HSGPA in
predicting first-year grades, and would likely come at the same cost as the SAT. That is,
similar to the SAT, the SB assessment captures the inequities in opportunities to learn
across California schools that are pronounced by race and socioeconomic status.
Moreover, converting SB from a low-stakes assessment intended to measure student
achievement for school accountability into a high-stakes test that would impact college
admissions decisions for individual students is likely to lead to the development of SB
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test preparation ventures, similar to those currently in place for the SAT/ACT, that have
been shown to magnify score differences among demographic groups. Such test
preparation development could also undermine the purpose and current use of the
assessment in K-12. More generally, we have strong reservations about the ability of
any test of A-G course content to remediate educational inequities experienced by K-12
students or to attenuate the unequal opportunities for college preparation in under-
resourced schools.
UC had an all-time high number of applications and a substantial increase in California
freshman admits for the 2021-22 entering class. Although the impact of the global
pandemic on college application choices is unclear, the elimination of standardized tests
is likely a factor in UC receiving more applications overall, including from
underrepresented and low-income students. We strongly recommend that UC continue
to monitor comprehensive review in admissions across the campuses and their use of
the 13 criteria, particularly academic achievement indicators (e.g., availability of
weighted courses) in selecting students for admission.
The SBSG affirms that there is value in understanding the SB assessment and how well
it helps prepare K-12 students for postsecondary school, particularly at UC. We envision
a stronger partnership with K-12 schools, one that connects the UC more closely with
the learning opportunities and academic support offered in CA high schools.
California has many high achieving high school students and in recent years UC has
been asked to serve more and more of them. Capacity levels set by State budget
allocations keep the university from admitting all of the interested and deserving
students in the State. Therefore, it is necessary that the university use a fair and
transparent method of determining who to admit to the UC. Going forward, SBSG
stresses that it is important for the university and the community at large to understand
that there is not one thing, such as a change in the admissions process, forms of
support, or additional resources, that will enable us to reach our equity goals in UC
admissions. Rather, multiple strategies are needed. To this end, we offer the following
additional recommendations.
Build a Stronger Partnership with K-12. UC should continue to play a role in
advancing educational equity in college preparation by forging a stronger academic
partnership with K-12.
September 2021 15
Strengthen and expand high school programs that increase student access to
and success in the UC A-G requirements. All K-12 students in the State should
have adequate access to and support for completing the UC A-G requirements,
which will also help expand the geographic diversity of UC undergraduates.
Advocate for permanent legislative funding for Student Academic Preparation
and Educational Partnerships (SAPEP).
Collaborate with California high schools to monitor applications and admissions
growth by high school to determine if the university is reaching students from
underserved high schools.
Encourage all California high schools to implement the SB interim assessments
as a formative evaluation tool. These assessments, along with the current 11
grade summative assessment, provide important information to students on their
preparation for college.
Work with SBAC, California State Board of Education (SBE) and California high
schools to expand the SB assessment item bank to include more challenging
items in core subject areas and also help them improve and expand the
performance tasks to be more useful for teachers and students regarding college
Investigate the use of the SB assessment as one of multiple measures used for
writing placement after students enroll at UC.
Bolster the Holistic Review Process. The UC application contains significant
information about students’ academic experiences. However, it is time consuming to
extract and evaluate this information fairly in the context of opportunities at the student’s
high school. This process can be aided by the following.
Encourage and provide adequate support and resources so that all nine
campuses can use holistic review for freshman admissions.
Develop local expertise among readers of the applications regarding the use of
contextual information and provide annual anti-bias training for all readers.
Work closely with BOARS in the continuing development and implementation of
the holistic review process.
September 2021 16
Expand and Develop Resources for Students After They Enroll at UC. There are
benefits for students and savings for the campus when the university invests in
resources to support student academic success after they enroll at the university.
Fortify effective campus programs that support student success with sufficient
resources and outreach to continue to help students advance to degree.
Share information across the campuses about effective student support
programs, including those within academic departments, and provide resources
to campuses that want to develop these programs.
Monitor these programs according to a common set of outcomes to ensure they
are meeting student success goals.
Research the Efficacy of the Admissions Process and Student Success. There are
many important research questions about admissions that the university will need to
address in the coming years. This research should be both quantitative and qualitative,
and conducted in collaboration with the Academic Senate. Research topics should
include the following.
A subcommittee of BOARS that includes content experts in the areas of
admissions and racial equity, should engage in regular monitoring of the
outcomes of test-free admission to determine the impact on admissions and
student success, including freshman GPA, first-year persistence, probation rates,
graduation, and time to degree. Potentially contributing factors for the initial
cohorts need to be taken into account, including remote learning, allowance for
credit/no credit grades, limited access to counselors/college advising, and
students’ use of institutional supports.
Investigate how students are faring when they get to UC. The analyses need to
take into account various factors considered critical to student success at UC,
including the campus climate, types and extent of academic preparation before
students enroll, student’s utilization of campus learning resources, and how
different academic programs guide and support students in their major area of
Qualitative study of many aspects of the admissions process is critical, including
historical analysis of how this process has contributed to the disenfranchisement
of communities of color at the University and detailed study of why high achieving
September 2021 17
students from underrepresented groups who are admitted to the UC choose to
go elsewhere.
Capacity Limitations. A long-range concern is how the university can step up as a
system to increase capacity and serve more California undergraduate students. To
sustain the academic stature and excellence of the UC, this effort will require much
more than teaching additional courses. Academic programs, especially those in high
demand, need to be expanded and new programs need to be developed to address
emerging research issues and meet pressing societal needs and student interests.
These activities depend on the vision and effort of Senate faculty who are charged with
overseeing and developing the academic programs of the university, which leads
directly to the following recommendations.
The UC needs more state funding to hire tenure-track faculty both to teach and to
develop programs to match this new growth in the student body.
More academic activities and resources outside the classroom that are
appropriate and expected of an R1 institution need to be developed and
Additional resources and support for academic program development need to be
provided to campuses that are poised for growth.
American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, &
National Council on Measurement in Education. (1999). Standards for
educational and psychological testing. American Educational Research
American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, &
National Council on Measurement in Education. (2014). Standards for
educational and psychological testing. American Educational Research
Carter, P. L., & Welner, K. G. (2013). Closing the opportunity gap: What America must
do to give every child an even chance. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Desimone, L. M., & Long, D. (2010). Teacher effect and the achievement gap: Do
teacher and teaching quality influence the achievement gap Between Black and
White and high- low-SES students in the early grade? Teacher College Record,
12, 30243073.
September 2021 18
Feasibility Study Steering Committee. (2020). Recommendation of the Feasibility Study
Steering Committee to UC President Drake.
Institutional Research and Academic Planning at UC Office of the President. (in
progress). Analysis of Potential Use of Smarter Balanced Scores in Admissions
and Placement at the University of California.
Kurlaender, M., & Cohen, K. (2019). Predicting college success: How do different high
school assessments measure up? Policy Analysis for California Education.
Kurlaender, M., & Cohen, K. (unpublished). Supplemental Analysis for Smarter
Balanced Study Group.
Michelmore, K., & Dynarski, S. (2017). The gap within the gap: Using longitudinal data
to understand income differences in educational outcomes. AERA Open, 3(1).
Standardized Testing Task Force (STTF; 2020). Report of the UC Academic Council
Standardized Testing Task Force (STTF).
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. (2010). Theory of action: An excerpt from
the Smarter Balanced Race to the Top application.
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. (2021a). Equity and Smarter Balanced:
Assessing fairness through test construction.
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. (2021b). Smarter Balance Assessment
Consortium: Bias and sensitivity guidelines.
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. (2021c). Usability, accessibility, and
accommodations guidelines.
September 2021 19
Mary Gauvain, Co-Chair
UCR, Professor, Psychology
Madeleine Sorapure, Co-Chair
UCSB, Professor, Writing Program
Eddie Comeaux
UCR, Professor, Education
Frances Contreras
UCSD, Professor, Education
Laura Giuliano
UCSC, Professor, Economics
Uma Jayakumar
UCR, Professor, Education
Michal Kurlaender
UCD, Professor, Education
Mark Wilson
UCB, Professor, Education
Frank C. Worrell
UCB, Professor, Education
Anne Zanzucchi
UCM, Professor, Writing Program
Staff to the Study Group
Abigail K. Bates
UCOP, Senior Research Analyst
Kari Stewart
UCOP, Executive Director, Academic Success Initiatives