Madonna del Sasso School ! 20 Santa Teresa Way Salinas CA 93906 ! (831) 424-7813
Statement of Acknowledgment
The policies that have been set forth in this handbook is in keeping with the school’s philosophy
and mission statement. Parents are expected to read and review this handbook, and discuss it
with their children. Parents are required to sign a statement that they have read it and
agree to be governed by its provisions.
No handbook can cover all of the particular incidents or questions that will come up in the course
of a school year. The information presented is an attempt to convey to parents and students a
reasonable idea of the expectations of the school. The Principal has the right to amend the
handbook when necessary. Parents will be given prompt notification if changes are made.
Table of Contents
I. Telephone Numbers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
Staff List --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
II. Mission Statement, School Philosophy, School wide Learning Expectations -------
Statement of Christian Principals----------------------------------------------------------- 9 - 12
III. Accreditation, Admissions ------------------------------------------------------------------ 13
IV. Academics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
Academic Integrity ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
Academic Probation/Retention --------------------------------------------------------- 14
Acceptable Progress ----------------------------------------------------------------------14
Award System -----------------------------------------------------------------------------14
Cumulative Records --------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
Curriculum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
Field Trips -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
Grading Scale ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
Graduation Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------- 16
Homework -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
Make-Up Work -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
Physical Education ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
Report Cards/Progress Reports -------------------------------------------------------- 18
Sacramental Preparation ---------------------------------------------------------------- 18
Schedule ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
Scholarships for Graduates ------------------------------------------------------------ 20
V. Operating Procedures/School Policies ---------------------------------------------------- 20
Accidents --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
V. Operating Procedures/School Policies (continued)
Administrative Team and Faculty Responsibilities ------------------------------ 20
Appointments/Communications with Faculty and Staff ------------------------ 21
Attendance ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
Badges --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
Bicycles, Skateboards, Skates, Shoe-skates --------------------------------------- 22
Birthdays ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22
Bullying and Cyber Bullying -------------------------------------------------------- 23
Computer Use and Technology Policy -------------------------------------------- 24-25
Electronic Devices ------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
Discipline ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26-27
Dismissal Procedures ---------------------------------------------------------------- 27
Emergency Drills --------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
Extra-Curricular Activities --------------------------------------------------------- 28
Food/Snacks -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
Fundraising, Collection, Disbursements, Advertising -------------------------- 29
Lost and Found ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
Lunches -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
Medication ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29-30
Off Campus Conduct ---------------------------------------------------------------- 31
Parties --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
Pictures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
Playground Equipment -------------------------------------------------------------- 31
Playground Rules -------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
Safety, Security ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
School Property ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
Search Procedures ------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
Sexual Harassment ------------------------------------------------------------------ 33
Student Directory Information ---------------------------------------------------- 34
Student Record Changes ----------------------------------------------------------- 34
Substance Abuse Policy ------------------------------------------------------------ 34-35
Telephone Calls --------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
Textbooks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
Visitors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36
VI. Parent Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
Advisory Board --------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
Parent Teacher Association ------------------------------------------------------- 37
Notices to Parents ------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
Parents Visiting the Classroom ---------------------------------------------------- 37
Room Helpers ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 38
Room Parents ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38
Service Hours ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38-39
VII. Finances ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40
Financial Aid ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
Tuition Rates and Fees -------------------------------------------------------------- 40
Tuition Statements and Payments ------------------------------------------------- 40-41
VIII. Preschool ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42
Philosophy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42
Goal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 42
Admission Policy -------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
Daily Procedures --------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
Obligations of Parents or Guardians ---------------------------------------------- 44
Discipline Policy -------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
Illness and Medications ------------------------------------------------------------ 45
Clothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45
Snack --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
Vacations and Holidays ------------------------------------------------------------ 45
IX. Athletics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
Academic Eligibility ---------------------------------------------------------------- 46
Athletic Awards --------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
Coach’s Duties and Responsibilities ---------------------------------------------- 47
Sportsmanship ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 48
X. K-8 Extension Program ----------------------------------------------------------------- 49
K-8 Extension Fees ----------------------------------------------------------------- 49
K-8 Extension Statements --------------------------------------------------------- 50
Special Provisions and Procedures ------------------------------------------------ 50
Student Responsibilities ----------------------------------------------------------- 50
XI. Preschool Extension ---------------------------------------------------------------------51
Preschool Extension ----------------------------------------------------------------52
Late Fees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------52
Program Activities ------------------------------------------------------------------ 52
School Office
(831) 424-7813
School Email
School Website
Administrative Team:
Pastor Fr. Greg Sandman 422-5323
Principal Mr. James Evans
Administrative Assistant Mrs. Alicia Chaidez
School Secretary Mrs. Laura Menchaca
Activities Director Mrs. Susie Nunez
Extension Staff Ms. Sandra Mendoza
Custodian Mr. Johnny Olivares
Transitional Kindergarten Ms. Marcela Munoz
Kindergarten Mrs. Cynthia Elizondo
Grade 1 Mrs. Cynthia Sausedo
Grade 2 Ms. Corina Venegas
Grade 3 Mrs. Susan Burke
Grade 4 Ms. Diana Servin Ayala
Grade 5 Ms. Denise Garcia
Instructional Aides Ms. Jennifer Calleja
Mrs. Cynthia Mendoza
Ms. Andrea Carrasco
Physical Education Ms. Bryanna Martinez
Preschool Director Mrs. Brenda Politron
Preschool Teacher Ms. Yvonne Politron
Deacon Carl Figenshow 422-5323
Middle School -
Grade 6 Homeroom, Math & Science Mr. Javier Ubaldo Romero
Grade 7 Homeroom, Religion & History Mrs. Catherine Rowe
Grade 8 Homeroom, ELA - Writing Mr. Konner Sauve
The Diocese of Monterey
The Department of Parish & School Operating Corporation, also known as and referred to as
“Diocese of Monterey,” and the Diocese of Monterey Catholic Schools provides the backbone of
an educational network of eighteen schools, which includes thirteen Diocesan schools, three
religious order schools, one independent school, and one school that is co-sponsored by the
Diocese and a religious order. Children in preschool through high school from many cultures and
socioeconomic backgrounds attend Catholic Schools in Salinas, Santa Cruz, Hollister,
Watsonville, Corralitos, Monterey, Carmel, Pacific Grove, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo and
Arroyo Grande. The Department of Catholic Schools is committed to providing the necessary
resources to the Catholic Schools to ensure:
Implementation of best educational, research-based practices and technology to provide for
individual student success in academics, faith life, sports and social situations;
Existence of a dynamic Catholic school community where all students may reach and
maximize their full human potential to "Always go forward and never turn back"
(Blessed Junipero Serra);
Commitment to a Community Service Learning Program that supports the mission of
discipleship and in which students learn from and reflect upon service to their parish,
their local community, the nation, and the global community;
Engagement by both faculty and children in the Catholic principles of social justice to prepare
students for responsible citizenship and stewardship, life-long learning, and to be the
voice and instruments of social justice in our global economy;
Recognition and appreciation of parents as the primary educators of their children by
partnering with them as active participants in the educational ministry of their child's
Madonna del Sasso School
Madonna del Sasso School is a Preschool to 8th grade teaching ministry of our parish. We accept
students from other parishes and from other faiths. The mission of Madonna del Sasso School is
to motivate, instruct and nurture children in the beliefs, practices and values of the Catholic
community integrated with the highest standards of academic excellence. The school promotes
physical development and leadership skills for the students to become lifelong learners inspired
by Jesus Christ.
Madonna del Sasso School is a Catholic environment where students can experience a maturing
relationship with God, themselves, and others. Together with parents, the primary educators, and
teachers as facilitators of learning, we prepare students to become involved, responsible, and
contributing members of the Church and society.
Under the inspiration and leadership of Jesus Christ, the master teacher, we create an institution
of learning and living where a family of families can grow, share and experience a love for
learning and Christian fellowship.
A Madonna del Sasso School graduate is:
A person of faith who:
demonstrates and applies the abilities to reflect thoughtfully and share on scripture,
church doctrine and traditions of the Catholic Church
expresses a sense of awe and reverence at the miracle of life and God’s creation
recognizes his/her responsibility as a child of God to live a healthy lifestyle
embraces discipleship in Jesus Christ through action and proclamation of His “Good
A critical thinker who:
values learning for its own sake
strives diligently for high standards in the learning process
analyzes and solves problems effectively, and utilizes research skills for further inquiry
and discovery
is able to make connections by integrating new information with prior knowledge
An active member of the community who:
embraces a personal sense of belonging to community, large and small
demonstrates respect for self, others and the environment
exhibits communication skills, creativity, cooperation, balance and vibrancy in his/her
own life and in the service of others
is able to experience connectedness to all people, respecting diversity of background and
Ultimately, we envision a Madonna del Sasso School graduate as a disciple of Jesus Christ who
is developing and demonstrating responsibility for his/her own actions in every aspect of life.
Statement of Christian Principles:
All schools in the Diocese of Monterey are intended to be environments that educate, nurture and
support students according to the basic Christian principles of charity and love of neighbor.
Everyone involved in the development of children and youth teachers, administrators, parents,
family and friends is required to behave in accordance with these principles. These Christian
principles include but are not limited to the following:
1. Parents, family members, childcare providers and friends (including but not limited to
grandparents, stepparents, siblings) are expected to work courteously and cooperatively
with the school in all areas of the school and student life. This principle is intended to
broadly apply to all on and off campus behavior that affects the school in any way.
2. Students, parents, family members and friends must act and speak with integrity, respect
for others and always use good manners and a cooperative and helpful tone of voice.
3. Students, parents and family members may respectfully express their concerns about the
school operation and its personnel. However, they may not do so in a manner that is
discourteous, scandalous, rumor driven, disruptive, threatening, hostile or divisive and
must use appropriate channels of communication to raise these concerns. Appropriate
channels of communication include contacting the teacher or staff member or the
principal directly by phone or email. Inappropriate channels of communication include
posting information on Facebook or similar social media, using the school’s contact list
to email or text others not directly involved in the area of concern. Such channels of
communication are considered divisive and not calculated to lead to a resolution of the
issue in the most respectful and Christ-centered manner.
4. A parent with concerns regarding the behavior of another student must direct the concern
to the classroom teacher or a staff member, not to the child or the child’s parents.
Parents, guardians or other responsible adults who violate these Christian principals may be
asked to withdraw their student from the school. Conduct that materially disrupts class work or
extracurricular activities or that involves substantial disorder will not be tolerated. These
expectations for students, parents, guardians or other responsible adults include, but are not
limited to, all school-sponsored programs and events (e.g., extended care, athletics, field trips,
etc.). The school reserves the right to determine, in its discretion, when conduct is of such a
nature as to warrant any action including asking that the parent withdraw his/her student(s) from
the School.
It shall be an express condition of enrollment that the students and parents or guardians shall
conform themselves to standards of conduct that are consistent with the Christian principles of
the school, as determined by the school in its sole discretion.
Statement of Parent Responsibilities
1. Support the educational, social and spiritual development of your child:
a. Uphold the school’s policies and rules
b. Make sure that your child is responsible for completing homework assignments in
a timely manner;
c. Ensure that your child is ready for school each day by being appropriately
dressed, having a nutritious lunch and all necessary supplies
d. Hold your child responsible by not bringing items he/she forgot to school;
e. Involve yourself in the spiritual life of the school.
2. Respect the school calendar and hours:
a. Ensuring that your child arrives on time for school each day
b. Calling in if your child is sick
c. Scheduling vacations around the school calendar rather than during school
3. Work cooperatively with your child’s teacher and the principal
a. Be judicious in speaking with your child or allowing your child to overhear
conversations that are negative about the school, the teacher, the principal or
another student.
b. Be available for conferences or meetings with your child’s teacher.
c. Read all communications that come from the school.
Madonna del Sasso School is accredited through the Western Catholic Educational Association
(WCEA), a private educational accrediting agency established under the auspices of the Bishops
of the Catholic (Arch) Dioceses of California, and it is co-accredited through the Accrediting
Commission for Schools of the Western Association of Schools & Colleges (WASC), one of the
six regional accrediting agencies in the United States.
In 2018, Madonna del Sasso School received a six-year accreditation from WCEA and WASC.
Ultimately, we envision a Madonna del Sasso School graduate as a disciple of Jesus Christ who
is developing and demonstrating responsibility for his/her own actions in every aspect of life.
Madonna del Sasso School is a Catholic school dedicated to the education of those who:
desire to learn more about God and are willing to participate in the faith
demonstrate (through former school records, entrance testing, and parent
interview) an ability to achieve academically and socially within our curriculum;
support the philosophy, goals, objectives, and rules of the school.
Registration opens in November. Parishioners of Madonna del Sasso Church will be considered
first if registration is completed by the end of February and the above criteria are met. Screening
for applicants will be scheduled individually. Applications received at other than normal
registration periods will be considered on the basis of space available.
Madonna del Sasso School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and/or
ethnic origin, or gender in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies,
scholarships, financial aid and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Acceptance of a student into Madonna del Sasso School means that the family is also accepted
into the school community. Students and their families are expected to contribute to the building
of the Catholic community at the school. Therefore, actions by a parent/legal
guardian/family member that are, or could be, destructive to the community atmosphere or
contrary to the principles of Christian living shall be cause for the student’s expulsion.
Academic Integrity
The Catholic philosophy of the school, to “create an environment where students can experience
a maturing relationship with God, themselves and others,” requires a commitment to academic
integrity. No form of cheating will be tolerated (plagiarism, copying homework, parents doing
homework for students, taking credit for the work of another, copying test/quiz answers from
another, using non-approved aids, etc.).
Any student found cheating might receive a “0” grade for the work and will not be allowed to
make up the work, including those students who give their work to another. This “0” may count
as a grade and be averaged for the quarter grade.
Academic Probation/Retention
A student is required to have mastered at least a 70% of the curriculum standards for that grade
level to be automatically promoted. Students who don’t meet the standards may be promoted on
probation, or retained in the same grade. Parents will be advised in advance if a child is to be
retained in grade. Probationary promotion may also be imposed for behavioral issues.
Acceptable Progress
The Principal and classroom teachers are responsible to make reasonable efforts to provide for
individual differences. Parents are asked to work with the school staff to make certain there is
continual progress in all areas of development. Once any student is clearly unable to benefit
from the Madonna del Sasso educational system, thorough discussions with the principal,
teacher(s) and family, will take place to determine the final outcome.
General Academic Excellence Award – 94%
A- or better average in all academic subjects listed under Subject Award (no rounding).
Subject Award
A- or better average in one or more, but not all, academic subjects listed below (no rounding):
Religion, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies/History, Spelling/Reading/Writing/Literature
Citizenship Award
Two students, who are most deserving of the award and meet the criteria below, are chosen from
grades TK-8.
Criteria for Citizenship Award:
Positive Attitude
Acceptance of responsibility
Christian action toward others in the play yard and in the classroom
Most Improved Award
One student will be chosen based on the teacher’s improvement criteria.
Award ceremonies will be held on the Thursday after report cards have been distributed. There
will be two assemblies TK-5 and 6-8.
Cumulative Records
An average of the year’s work (report card grades) is placed as a grade on the permanent record
file. These grades are sent on to the next school, along with other pertinent information, when a
student transfers. Parents may make a request in writing for access to their child’s records.
Records will be made available within 24 hours of receipt of such request, when possible.
Catholic principles of Christianity are taught daily as the basis of our curriculum. Each student
is afforded the opportunity to grow in knowledge of Christ through study of scripture,
participation in the liturgy, prayer, and finally an understanding that our study is a “way of life” -
- not just an exercise in learning.
Students of all faiths are welcome insofar as they understand and agree that the school functions
within the framework of the values of the Catholic faith. All students are expected to attend
liturgical functions and to take religion classes.
The curriculum consists of the following content areas: Religion; Math; Science; Reading/
Writing/ Spelling/Literature; Social Studies/History; Physical Education; Computer Technology;
Music; Art.
Field Trips
There are numerous opportunities for learning outside the classroom and teachers are encouraged
to take advantage of these opportunities. It must be noted, however, that field trips are a
privilege and students can be denied participation if they fail to meet academic or behavioral
requirements set by the teacher. Field trips must have a valid educational purpose; purely
recreational trips will not be approved. Permission forms must be signed by parents and in a
teacher’s possession before a child will be allowed to leave the school premises. Telephone
permission is not adequate.
Diocesan forms (fingerprint clearance, Virtus certificate, Defensive Driving certificate) together
with the required documentation (copy of insurance, copy of driver’s license) for parent drivers
must be on file in the office before parents may drive students on field trips. The necessary
forms may be obtained from the office staff. Drivers must be 21 years or older to drive other
students, in addition to their own child/children.
Grading Scale
The Grading Scale used at Madonna del Sasso School is based on the Diocese of Monterey’s
grading system.
Preschool: Students will receive a quarterly report.
Grades TK-2 Grades 3 - 8
Each grade has a 97 - 100 = A 74 - 78 = C
different grading scale. 94 - 96 = A- 70 - 73 = C-
90 - 93 = B+ 68 - 69 = D+
86 - 89 = B 65 - 67 = D
83 - 85 = B- 63 - 64 = D-
79 - 82 = C+ 0 - 62 = F
NG= No grade due to absences. Circled grade denotes below grade level.
I = An “I” or “Incomplete” is assigned if the student has a valid reason as determined by the
teacher for not completing requirements in a course. An incomplete should be made up within
two weeks, after the close of a grading period. The teacher in cases of prolonged illness or
emergency may give an extension. The “I” grade is not to be used merely to give a student an
extension of time for work not completed by a given deadline. Any incomplete work remaining
at the end of the following semester may revert to a failing grade.
In the event that a student feels that there has been an error in the grade calculation, the student
must attempt to resolve this with the teacher. If it cannot be resolved, the student must appeal to
the Principal within six weeks of the date of issuance of the grade. Grade corrections will not be
considered after this six-week period.
Graduation Requirements
Students who are not at grade level (an average of 70% [C-] or better in all academic subjects at
time of graduation) may not receive a diploma. Parents should consistently monitor the progress
of the potential graduate.
Homework is meant to be an extension and reinforcement of the learning that takes place in the
classroom. To be most effective, home assignments and preparations for the next day’s work
should be done as a matter of routine at the same time and same place each day. Parents are
encouraged to help the child(ren) with their homework. However, PARENTS SHOULD NOT
DO the child(ren)’s homework. Homework normally is given daily Monday through Thursday,
and on Fridays at the discretion of the teacher.
Suggested time for homework (Diocesan Guide):
TKindergarten............................10 minutes
Grades 1 and 2.........................20-30 minutes
Grades 3 and 4.........................30-45 minutes
Grade 5 .........................45-60 minutes
Grades 6 and 8.........................60-90 minutes
If a child works and studies the suggested time and truly is not able to complete the assignment,
parents should send a note to the teacher to that effect. Caution is urged since students may see a
parent’s communication as an excuse for less than total dedication to the task.
Make-Up Work
Students who are absent for any reason may are required to obtain MAKE-UP WORK upon their
RETURN to school. Because of the fluidity of lessons and students’ progress, teachers
should NOT be expected to give out assignments in advance of presentation in class.
Students are asked to refer to the individual teacher’s policy in regards to make up work. To
obtain make up work, please contact individual teachers by email. Make up work can include
missed class work and homework.
Middle school students (grades 6-8) who are granted an excused absence are expected to be
responsible for and to take the initiative in learning about work assigned, exams given, and
exams scheduled during their absence. On the day of their return to classes, students are
expected to take the initiative in making arrangements with the teacher for the completion of
make-up work. Failure to complete work within this assigned time will impact a student’s grade.
Students who show a pattern of absenteeism on the days of tests/quizzes will be referred to the
Principal for review.
Physical Education
All students will participate in the physical education program:
TK - K 30 minutes – twice a week
Grade 1- 4: 40 minutes – twice a week
Grade 5 - 8: 40 minutes – twice a week
No student will be excused from P.E. without a written note from parent/guardian or
doctor. A doctor’s excuse must be on file in the office if a child is unable to participate in
P.E. for an extended period of time. A phone call to the P.E. teacher may be accepted in an
unusual circumstance. Students may be appointed various duties to help other students or
the teacher during class time.
Please refer to the Uniform Handbook for P.E. uniform requirements. The Uniform Handbook
can also be found on the school’s website,
Parents want to know how their children are progressing in school and cooperation between
home and school is a prescription for a child’s school success. Teachers and parents are
encouraged to develop and sustain a free flow of pertinent information informally. On a more
formal basis, parents can expect a report card at the end of each quarter. At minimum, academic
progress reports will be issued during the middle of each quarter, particularly for academic
deficiency. If a child is in academic jeopardy, parents will be notified as soon as possible.
Conferences will be scheduled after the report card is issued for the first quarter of the year. If
necessary, other conferences may also be scheduled throughout the year.
When a student has excessive absences of 10 days or more, even if necessary and excused, the
opportunities for assessment of learning may be so limited that a teacher will be unable to issue a
quarterly report card. A meeting with the principal, teacher(s) and family will occur to discuss
the impact on the student’s learning.
This school abides by the provisions of the Buckley Amendment with respect to the rights of
non-custodial parents. In the absence of a court order to the contrary, a school will provide the
non-custodial parent with access to the academic records and to other school-related information
regarding the child. If there is a court order specifying that there is to be no information given, it
is the responsibility of the custodial parent to provide the school with an official copy of the
court order.
Parents must assume responsibility for assisting with instruction and, in particular, in being a
model in the practice of their faith. Students in Grade 2 receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation
and Eucharist during the second semester. Parents of Catholic students above Grade 2 who have
not received these sacraments may request preparation during the summer by contacting the
MDS parish office. Registrations are held in August for the school year.
TK – 8
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Wednesdays 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Preschool Extension 7:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M.; 12:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M.
TK – 8
Extension 7:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M.; Afterschool5:30P.M.
Scholarships are given annually to graduates accepted to Catholic high schools in Salinas. These
are issued according to the individual requirements of the donors, i.e. Christian living, grade
point average, and the grade records for seventh and eighth grade. Applications are distributed to
graduates at the appropriate time. Parents are asked to encourage their graduate to apply.
Students are to inform the faculty member in charge of any injury occurring on school grounds
or at school-related activities. The staff member who witnessed the accident or is the first on the
scene of the accident shall complete the report and file with the office.
Madonna del Sasso School utilizes a team approach to the management of the school. Faculty
and administrative team members are empowered to make decisions and implement policy in
their clearly specified areas. A detailed list of all faculty, administration, and staff with all
curricular and extra-curricular responsibilities, as of press time, is provided on page 1 of this
handbook. Administrative team positions for 2021 - 2022 are: Pastor, Principal and Vice
Principal. The Principal serves as the chief administrator of the school.
The following chain should generally be followed when students or parents have questions or
the teacher, coach or activity moderator involved
the Athletic Director for athletic matters
the Bookkeeper for financial matters
the Administrative Assistant to the Principal
the Vice Principal
the Principal
the Pastor
Generally speaking, a member of the administrative team will become involved in a student or
parent concern only if efforts to address the matter at the previous level have proven to be
unsuccessful. Students and parents are always welcome to bring a very serious concern to the
Principal directly.
Appointments with the Principals or any member of the faculty/staff are to be requested at
least 24 hours in advance by a note or phone call. Problems/complaints should be discussed
with the person(s) involved before consulting the Principal.
Teachers are not to be disturbed during class time under any circumstances, nor are they to be
expected to be available for a “spur of the moment” conference. No conferences before school
start unless it is previously scheduled. Due to weekly faculty meetings, no conferences can be
scheduled on Wednesdays.
Teachers need their break time. Parents are asked NOT to ask to see teachers on break nor to
come to the Faculty Room or classroom during these break times or lunch times.
Regular attendance at school is essential to consistent learning. Students who are tardy for any
reason are to report to the office WITH A NOTE EXPLAINING THE REASON FOR
Parents are requested to call the school office at (831) 424-7813 between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. if a
student will be absent for the day. An email may also be sent to the classroom/homeroom
teacher and/or office staff ([email protected] or [email protected]) to inform
the school of the student’s absence. The office staff will forward the email to the teacher(s). The
school office staff will attempt to call parents to verify an absence if a call has not been received.
A note is still needed when the student returns to school. The note for absences should include:
1) child’s name; 2) dates of the absence(s); 3) reason for absence; 4) signature of parent or
Parents are encouraged to support the school's emphasis on academic success by not scheduling
vacations, elective medical care, recreational activities, etc., during school hours. The school
reserves the right to deny granting an excused absence, even with a parental note.
Medical and dental appointments should be made after school whenever possible. Doctor and
dentist verification of appointments, or note stating the same, is needed for a recorded
MEDICAL EXCUSE. Students MUST return to school immediately after appointment or the
absence will NOT be marked as a medical excuse--it will be recorded as a regular absence.
Excessive absences or tardies, even if necessary and excused, may result in no grades recorded
on the quarterly report card. The school reserves the right to deny granting an excused absence,
even with a parental note.
Parents must be on campus and have the student signed out before they are removed from class.
For EVERY 3 tardies 1 extra service hour will be added to the family’s service hour
School begins at 8:00 a.m. with Morning Assembly. The inner gate will lock promptly at
8:00 a.m. and will not re-open until morning assembly has finished. Parents are more than
welcome to stay for morning assembly. However, we ask that if you are not planning on
staying to please exit by 8:00 a.m. so morning assembly is not disrupted. Any students
arriving after 8:00 a.m. must wait by the inner gate until morning assembly has finished.
Once it is finished the tardy students must report to the office for a late slip. Teachers will
not be letting students in without a late slip.
Preschool will be released at the first gate. Parents are to wait outside the gates for the safety of
our students.
All visitors must check in at the school office, sign the visitor log, and get a visitor’s badge. All
visitors on campus are required to wear an identifying badge. ANYONE on campus for ANY
REASON, other than dropping something off in the office and then leaving, REQUIRES A
VISITOR’S BADGE. Badges must be returned when leaving the campus.
For the safety of our students, parents must drop off all lunches for students by 11:00 a.m.
to the lunch table near the SAC. Please reduce/eliminate the number of fast food lunches
for the students. NO Soda or Candy is allowed in any student lunches. Lunches will not be
microwaved for students.
Students may ride bikes to school. All bicycle riders must wear a helmet. Bicycle riding on the
school grounds is not permitted at any time. Students must walk their bicycles while on school
ANY students walking home or riding a bike must have a permission slip on file with the school
Parents are welcome, after notifying the classroom teacher at least a week in advance, to send
healthy treats, cupcakes, goodie bags in individualized servings for the class on their child’s
birthday. DO NOT send singing telegrams. Please check with your teacher regarding any
student allergies.
Parents are to drop off birthday treats to the school office for teachers to distribute. Please
contact the teacher for birthday celebrations.
Madonna del Sasso School attempts to provide a safe environment for all individuals. We
recognize that bullying and intimidation have a negative effect on school climate and negate an
individual’s spirit of dignity and uniqueness that we advocate in a Catholic school. Students who
are intimidated and fearful cannot give their education the single-minded attention they need for
success. Every student has the right to an education and to be safe in and around school.
Bullying and/or cyber bullying (bullying done through the Internet, interactive and digital
technologies or mobile phones) is not tolerated at Madonna del Sasso school.
Harassment and Bullying
The school is committed to providing a safe and comfortable learning environment that respects
Christian values and is free from harassment, bullying, or hazing in any form. Harassment,
bullying, or hazing of any student by any other student, lay employee, religious, clergy, school
volunteer, or parent/guardian is prohibited. The school will treat allegations of any such conduct
seriously and take appropriate steps to ensure that substantiated bullying or harassment stops.
Substantiated acts of harassment, bullying, or hazing by a student will result in appropriate
disciplinary action up to and including dismissal of the student. The disciplinary action will be
in proportion to the severity of the case and will be calculated to make the harassment or
bullying stop. Students who file false or frivolous charges will also be subject to disciplinary
action up to and including dismissal.
Harassment occurs when an individual is subjected to treatment or a school environment that is
hostile or intimidating. It includes but is not limited to:
a. Verbal Harassment: Derogatory comments and jokes; threatening words spoken to
another person or bad language.
b. Physical Harassment: Unwanted physical touching, contact, or assault; deliberate
impeding or blocking of another's movements; any intimidating interference with
normal work or movement
c. Visual Harassment: Derogatory, demeaning, or inflammatory gestures, posters,
cartoons, written words, drawings, images, and photos. Visual harassment can be
communicated in person, in hard copy, or electronically (including on social media)
d. Sexual Harassment: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and
other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature
Bullying is the habitual harassing, intimidating, tormenting, browbeating, humiliating,
terrorizing, oppressing, and/or threatening of another person. Can include the following
a. Teasing
b. Name calling, taunting
c. Threatening
d. Purposely leaving someone out
e. Telling other children not to be friends with someone
f. Spreading rumors about someone
g. Breaking someone’s things
Bullying typically consists of direct behaviors, such as teasing, taunting, threatening, hitting,
shoving, and stealing that are initiated by one or more students against a victim or victims.
Usually there is an actual or perceived power imbalance between the bully and the victim. Such
power imbalance may include differences in physical size or strength or access to embarrassing
In addition to direct attacks, bullying may also be indirect, such as spreading rumors that cause
victims to be socially isolated through intentional exclusion.
Whether the bullying is direct or indirect, the key component of bullying is physical or
psychological intimidation that occurs repeatedly over time to create an ongoing pattern of
harassment and abuse.
Cyber bullying occurs when students bully each other using the Internet on computers, mobile
phones, or other electronic devices. This can include but is not limited to:
a. Sending inappropriate texts, emails, or instant messages
b. Posting inappropriate pictures, videos, or messages about others on blogs, social media,
or websites
c. Using someone else's username to spread rumors or lies about another person
The use of computer services and related technology at Madonna del Sasso School is part of the
school’s curriculum. Students are expected to make responsible and ethical decisions regarding
the use of computers and information services, such as the Internet and other electronic devices,
at all times. Network and computer services include: use of personal and school computers, use
of the Internet, use of e-mail, use of other electronic devices and use of all associated software
(i.e., apps). A student’s use of any school or personal computer and/or school or personal
electronic devices may be restricted or removed if the student misuses or abuses these devices
and any associated software (i.e., apps).
Madonna del Sasso School’s rules of conduct apply to information services in very particular
students may not reconfigure or tamper with the network system in any way, nor attempt
to access or alter files without proper authority;
students, faculty or staff may not unlawfully copy software or apps or information;
students, faculty or staff may not use software or apps illegally;
students will learn to cite properly all information that is required from electronic sources
and used in their assignments;
a student is held responsible for all activity conducted on his/her account or under his/her
Madonna del Sasso School holds specific expectations for students at each grade level for how
they use their computer during official school hours and after school in either the classroom or
the computer lab. Game playing is not permitted on any school-owned computer, server or
network system, without proper permission for educational purposes.
Students may not access, input or forward any inappropriate, sacrilegious, violent, vulgar,
profane, defamatory, or other offensive data.
Failure to comply with these standards or acceptable use of Madonna del Sasso School’s
technology may result in suspension and the loss of privileges for the use of
computers/technology, or expulsion from the school.
Blogs: Engagement in online social media such as, but not limited to,®,
Xanga®, Friendster®, Facebook®, Twitter®, Snapchat® etc. may result in disciplinary
actions if the content of the student’s blog includes defamatory comments regarding the
school, the faculty, other students or the parish.
Electronic Devices: All electronic devices (phones, tablets, smart phone watches) will
be collected in the morning by the classroom or homeroom teacher. The devices will be
kept in a container in the classroom/homeroom throughout the day. Middle school
teachers will pass the container to the next teacher during passing time between classes.
No cell phones are to be used during school hours (8:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. or while in
Extension). The use of iPads, Kindles, cell phones and other electronic devices is at the
discretion of the teacher in the classroom only. Electronic devices that are not turned in
at the start of the day will be confiscated and turned into the office. Only parents will be
allowed to retrieve the confiscated electronic device. The confiscation of an electronic
device will result in the issuance of a “Pink Slip.” Three “Pink Slips” will result in
suspension of the student.
In accordance with the stated philosophy of the school, which emphasizes deep respect for the
human dignity and uniqueness of every individual, each student will be considerate of the rights
of others in all interactions. All students are expected to cooperate with the spirit and policies of
the school which are designed to foster mature development and personal responsibility. This
requires courtesy in all personal relationships, promptness in fulfilling obligations, concern for
the environment, and many other factors which the students’ sense of appropriateness will
indicate to them. The Principal reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of an
action if any doubt arises.
Disciplinary Report (“Pink Slip”)
If there is a reoccurrence of inappropriate behavior or a child is involved in a serious breach of
discipline, a disciplinary report will be sent home. The Disciplinary Report Form (“Pink Slip”)
must be signed by a parent and returned to school the following day. The Administration and
teacher will determine further action if needed. A copy of the “Pink Slip” will be included in the
student’s cumulative file. Upon receipt of a third “Pink Slip,” a student will be suspended.
Failure to comply with school or classroom rules could result in possible detention and perhaps
suspension. A conference with the Principal, teacher(s), student and family will be held.
Detention and suspension will be based on severity of the situation and consequences will be
determined by the Principal.
Suspension is a disciplinary action that prohibits the student from attending school for a limited
period of time, not to exceed five school days.
Offense – 1 Day Suspension
Offense – 2 Day Suspension
Offense – Student’s permanent removal from MDS School
The following conduct may result in immediate suspension:
Bullying or cyber bullying
Fighting on school premises before, during or after school
The use of abusive language -- in action, by speech, or written word
Vandalism -- students and their parents shall be held responsible for all damage to
equipment or school property caused by their student
Repeated infractions of school rules (i.e. repeated uniform violations, tardies, etc.)
Other inappropriate conduct
Suspension may be handled “in school” at the discretion of the Principal.
Students may be expelled from the school for certain serious misconduct.
The following offenses committed by students while under the jurisdiction of the school may be
grounds for expulsion:
Actions gravely detrimental to the physical, moral or spiritual welfare of students,
teachers or the school, such as bullying/cyber bullying
Assault or battery, or any threat of force or violence directed toward any personnel or
student, or their property
Possession of a weapon and/or assault with any object which can be used as a weapon
Use, sale or possession of tobacco, narcotics or alcohol
Vandalism to school property
Habitual truancy
Habitual profanity or vulgarity
Continued willful disobedience.
The school has the right to suspend or expel a student immediately for serious actions. However,
the following procedures will be normally followed:
Automatic suspension
A student/teacher conference will be held and parents will be formally notified of the
misconduct and consequences
If adequate improvement is not shown within a reasonable time, a second
conference with parents, student and administration will be scheduled
The Superintendent will be notified
The Principal, in accordance with Diocesan guidelines, will make the final decision.
Dismissal Prior to End of Day
A student will not be excused from school before the end of the school day without a note
written by his/her parent requesting early dismissal. The note is to include an explanation for the
dismissal, specific time, date and parent signature, if permission is granted. Office staff will
excuse the student after an authorized adult has signed the “release” book in the school office.
All students arriving late or leaving early must be signed in/out in the school office by an
authorized adult. Gates will NOT open 15 mins prior to dismissal. Parents are not allowed to
enter and wait for their students at their class. All parents must wait outside of the 1
Parents need to be at school and have signed their student out before the student will be
released from class.
Dismissal from Parking Lot
The safety of our children is paramount, and a few minutes saved are not worth the life of a
child. Please always exercise extreme caution driving in the parking lot. The counterclockwise
traffic pattern (indicated by the arrows on the pavement) must be observed at all times. Children
are not allowed to be picked up outside of the parking lot area. Parents must not give their
children instructions to meet them outside of the school premises, e.g. Santa Teresa Way. This is
directly against school policy, and more importantly, endangers the children.
Parents and/or those allowed to pick up students should PARK in designated areas and
walk over to pick up their children in front of the Student Activity Center.
Dismissal from Classrooms
During rainy days, students are to be picked up from the classrooms at dismissal time. This is
for everyone’s safety, especially the children’s. Parents or those allowed to pick up students
should park and then walk onto the school campus and head directly to their child’s classroom.
No check in at the office or Visitor badge is required.
A planned procedure for evacuating the buildings in case of emergency is in effect at the school.
Drills will be held and conducted in the manner recommended by the appropriate authorities.
Students have an opportunity throughout the year to be involved in non-classroom learning
experiences, including but not limited to those listed below. Students and parents should be
aware that students’ participation in extra-curricular activities is a privilege, not a right.
Extra-curricular activities include:
Athletics Intramural Sports
Boy and Girl Scouting Music lessons
Christmas Program Student Council
Faith and Liturgy events Yearbook
Gum chewing or eating sunflower seeds or peanuts, etc. with shells will not be allowed on
campus. This includes after school sports events. Snacks may be eaten only in the designated
eating areas (see “LUNCHES” on pp. (27).
No collection of funds, disbursement of flyers/posters, or advertising of any kind for any purpose
may take place without the pre-approval of the Principal, including field trips, retreats, social
events, dances, charitable purposes, team/club apparel, ticket sales, activities, athletic equipment,
educational materials, etc. All such funds must then be deposited to the school office, including
proper descriptive labels of all necessary information for deposit and accountability. No
fundraising project of any kind may be initiated without the pre-approval of the Principal.
Sick children may NOT attend school. If a child becomes ill at school, it is the parent's
responsibility to pick the child up as soon as possible after notification from the school. The staff
will post notices of any contagious illness that may occur. YOUR CHILD MUST BE FREE
The children’s belongings MUST BE LABELED -- lunch pails, sweaters, jackets, book bags,
shirts, etc. THE SCHOOL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST ITEMS. We will keep items
found, but recovery will be impossible without proper labels since all uniform items are alike.
Please mark them with a permanent laundry pen or stitching. Unmarked items will be placed in
the Lost and Found. If unclaimed after a reasonable waiting period, they will be given away to
others in need.
Parents are required to pack and send healthy lunches with their children. Parents bringing
lunches to the school are required to bring them to the lunch table by the SAC by 11:00 am. DO
Lunches and snacks may be eaten only in the designated eating areas. Lunch areas are the picnic
tables behind the office for grades 6 - 8 and between the library and under the blue canopy for
grades TK - 5. Students are expected to leave the eating areas clean and free of debris.
RAINY DAY LUNCH SCHEDULE - If it is raining during lunchtime, we will adhere to the
same lunch schedule in the Student Activities Center (SAC) or in classrooms.
In general, all prescription medication must be stored in the school office and administered only
under a physician’s orders with a signed authorization from the parent or guardian. Students are
not permitted to have medication in their possession at school. For prescription medication,
there is only a very limited exception in the case of medical necessity where the child’s physician
orders that the student carry the medication on his or her person (e.g. asthma or allergies).
For over the counter medication, a physician’s order will not be required. However, the
medication must be stored in the school office and the parent must sign an authorization for the
child to receive the medication.
For all medications, prescription and over the counter, the “Physician Order and Parental
Authorization to Administer Medication” Diocesan form (two pages) must be on file in the
office for EACH medication that could be administered. This form must be completed
each year. The form is available from the school office or on our school website
(, under the “About MDS”, “About Us” links.
Parents must understand that none of the Catholic Schools has a nurse on duty and that non-
medically trained school personnel will administer the medication. The Diocese of Monterey
encourages parents to come to the school to administer medications if necessary during the
school day.
For prescription medication, the physician must specify the medication, dosage, and method of
administration and schedule for any medication to be administered to a student. Whenever the
medication, dosage or dosing schedule changes, the school will require a new order from the
physician and an authorization signed by the parent or guardian. In any event, the physician’s
order and parent’s authorization must be renewed annually. The schools will not accept the
directions on the medication container label as a substitute for the physician’s order.
Medication must be brought to school by the parent or guardian.
Medication must be brought to school in its original container.
o If it is prescription medication, it must be in the container labeled by a licensed
o If it is over the counter medication, it must be in its original packaging.
All medication must be kept in the office and the student must go to the office for the
administration of prescription or over the counter medication.
o The only exception to this rule is if the physician orders that, because of medical
necessity, the student must have the medication on his or her person.
A new Diocesan form must be signed whenever the medication, dosage, dosing schedule
or method of administration changes. The school will not accept the container label as a
The parent must pick up any unused medication at the end of the school year when the
physician’s order expires.
The administration of Madonna del School reserves the right to discipline its students for off-
campus behavior that is not in line with behavior expectations of its students during the course of
the school day. Inappropriate off campus behavior includes, but is not limited to, fighting,
bullying and/or cyber bullying.
We acknowledge that the responsibility of parties outside school hours belongs to the students’
parents. While the school cannot forbid or regulate parties in the home, parents are strongly
encouraged to give thoughtful consideration to the effect this socializing has upon the academic
progress and social conduct of students involved, before and after the event. Parents are also
encouraged to think very seriously about adequate chaperoning and the responsibility that it
Party invitations should be distributed outside of school (not in the classroom).
From time to time, agents of the school may take still pictures and videos of students throughout
the building, grounds and in extra-curricular activities. The school reserves the right to use these
pictures for internal publications (yearbook, newsletter, etc.), school promotional materials or
advertisements or commercials, or for media release for student awards, etc. Parents who do not
agree to the Diocesan policy on use of pictures must indicate their request that the child’s
pictures are not to be used for any/all of the above-mentioned purposes on the photo release form
and return it to the office by the end of the first week of school.
Students are expected to follow special directions regarding the use of designated play areas --
field, play structure, swings and blacktop. The school is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any lost,
stolen or damaged items. Students may bring games for sharing on rainy days at recess and
lunch breaks, with the permission of their teacher.
Students are asked to leave toys of any kind, trading cards, Pokémon card, Legos etc., at
home. There is a variety of play equipment at school.
Students are to be guided in their behavior on the playground by a spirit of respect for one
another, for their adult supervisors, and for the property of other students and of the
school. The safety of all persons should be the guiding factor on the playground. Students are to
remain in areas where the playground supervisors may see them at all times. When the bell
rings, students are to stop and line up immediately.
Footballs, soccer balls and Frisbees are allowed on the field only. Upper grade basketball courts
may have one ball per court and 12 or fewer students per court in any given organized game.
Lower grade basketball courts may have two basketballs per court.
Eating—morning recess and lunch—is allowed in the designated eating areas only. Those areas
are the tables between the upper class wing and the SAC for grades 6 - 8 and the picnic tables
behind the office for grades TK - 5. Eating on the playground blacktop (except at the designated
picnic table area) or on the field is prohibited. Litter should be disposed of in the trashcans
In keeping with the school philosophy, all persons are to be treated with respect. Offensive
language, aggressive play, bullying and fighting are not allowed. These actions may result
in detention, suspension and/or expulsion.
Madonna del Sasso School places the utmost priority on attempting to provide a safe
environment for students, faculty and staff. The community atmosphere in the school fosters a
sense of comfort and security for all students and families. The school fosters a climate that
facilitates communication that can curb difficulties before they can happen. Students and parents
have an affirmative obligation to make school officials aware of any potential breach of school
safety and security.
The school has linked all rooms with telephones, computer informational technology and an
internal communication system. School officials and staff remain linked throughout the day by a
portable radio system. Visitors may enter the campus via the main gate on the north side after
being buzzed in by the office staff.
The faculty maintains supervisory responsibility for students between the hours of 7:00 A.M and
5:30 P.M. Procedures have been instituted to see that all visitors report to the office for a
visitor’s badge. Unused areas are kept secure. The school has a lock-down plan and an
evacuation plan in the event of a crisis or natural disaster.
School officials work closely with local civil authorities for added security. Police and local
authorities are briefed as to any potential breach of safety/security. School officials rely heavily
on their experience and advice regarding how to address any situations that may arise.
The administration and staff will not condone or allow malicious mischief to the school or
surrounding properties. Students will be expected to pay for any damage to the building,
furnishings, or books. The amount will depend on the cost of repair or replacement.
If there is suspicion of contraband, the family, office staff and Administration will be notified,
and the Principal will take appropriate action.
School officials will exercise their right and duty as administrators of a private, religious school
to search the possessions of students, if they have reasonable cause to believe the student may be
in possession of any form of contraband. Enrollment in the school implies student and parental
consent for such searches. These include search of possessions in desks, cubbies, book bags,
pockets, shoes, personal property, lockers etc. As the school is private property, such searches
may be necessary to protect the health and safety of the school community. Any student who
refuses to cooperate with such a search will be subject to dismissal.
Sexual harassment is defined as any unwelcome sexual advances, unwelcome physical contact of
a sexual nature, or unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. “Unwelcome
verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature” includes, but is not limited to, “the deliberate,
repeated making of unsolicited gestures or comments, or the deliberate, repeated display of
offensive, sexually graphic material which is not necessary for school purposes.” Diocesan
policies will be followed.
No student, faculty or staff shall be subject to sexual harassment as a Catholic school
community member.
Any student or staff member who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed shall
report immediately such information to school administrators. Any information reported
shall be treated as confidential. All claims of sexual harassment shall be thoroughly
investigated by the Principal.
No student or staff member shall receive any retaliation or disciplinary action for reports
of sexual harassment made.
The school keeps a listing of all student names, addresses, parent/guardian names, and home
telephone numbers. The school normally uses this as an internal document. Families who do not
wish any of this information to be published must submit this request to the school office by
September 10. This directory may not be used to generate mailing lists or promote commercial
or political activities. Those who do so are subject to payment of civil damages.
Parents should notify the school office at the time of any changes to address, phone, or work
information. It is the responsibility of parents to notify the school of any change of custody of a
student, and to present the appropriate legal documentation for said changes.
Madonna del Sasso School is committed to keeping the school community free from drugs. Our
students do not tolerate the presence of drugs in their school and report them to administration if
they see them.
For the safety and welfare of all of our students, the possession, arrangement to obtain, use, sale,
distribution of, possession with intent to distribute, being under the influence of, evidence of the
use of, or continued presence with those who use alcohol and/or illegal drugs and/or controlled
dangerous substances and any other inappropriate substances, look-a-like drugs, gasses, etc., or
the misuse of legal drugs is strictly forbidden. Students may also not be in possession of
paraphernalia designed for the use of above: clips, pipes, rolling papers, pouches, bags, empty
alcohol containers, etc. Any student involved in these activities is subject to dismissal from the
school and the notification of law enforcement.
Students who freely disclose difficulties with these substances to school authorities at a time
when they are not the subject of a discipline investigation will not be subject to school discipline
(unless they are in possession or under the influence at that time) and will be handled through a
counseling protocol, where parents will be strongly encouraged to seek professional services.
The administration reserves the right to require a student to pass a medical drug test if there is
reason to suspect drug use. In this case, the student may be required to submit to such a test to
be eligible for continued attendance at the school. Parents will be charged for the testing if
results are proven positive for drug use.
Controlled Dangerous Substances: as defined in the state criminal code. They include but are
not limited to: marijuana, heroin, methamphetamines, and anabolic steroids. The term
“controlled dangerous substances” shall also include alcohol.
Under the Influence: a student is judged to be under the influence whenever s/he exhibits
physical or physiological symptoms (including but not limited to, unsteady walking, dilated
pupils, slurred speech, erratic or uncharacteristic emotional reactions), which are commonly
associated with the use of controlled dangerous substances.
Possession: is defined as knowingly or purposely obtaining or possessing, actively or
constructively, a controlled dangerous substance or drug paraphernalia:
on or off school property
on the person
in an accessory (included but not limited to purse, book bag, gym bag, etc.)
in a cubby or desk; and
in a private or school owned vehicle of transportation
Constructive possession: refers to a student who intends or has the capacity to exercise control
over the drug/paraphernalia even if s/he does not have physical possession of the item. For
example, a person who hides drugs on school property or asks a classmate to hold drugs for
him/her, constructively possesses the drugs.
Distribution: is defined as sharing, selling, or dispensing a controlled dangerous substance
on or off school property
with or without receiving payment, and
to individuals enrolled or not enrolled in the school
Possession with intent to distribute: applies regardless of whether or not a student intended to
receive payment
to distribute the controlled dangerous substance to an individual enrolled or not enrolled
in the school; and
to distribute the controlled dangerous substance on or off school property
Students who use, sell, or possess tobacco products on school grounds, athletic events, etc. will
be subject to suspension. Students who remain present with those who are smoking will be
considered to be smoking.
Madonna del Sasso School is very attentive to health issues and government laws as to
smoking/chewing tobacco. Students and employees are not allowed to use tobacco in any form
on campus or at school activities, etc., at any time. This standard also applies to areas in the
vicinity of the school and around neighboring homes. Students are also not permitted to be in
possession of smoking materials: lighters, rolling papers, empty cigarette packs, etc.
Students are allowed to go to the office phone to ask to make outgoing calls to parents regarding
an emergency during school hours, at the discretion of the teacher. In addition, students are
usually not allowed to take a phone call in the office. A message will be taken and
communicated by the office staff in case of emergency. However, in the case of illness, the
teacher should send the child to the office and office staff would make the call informing
the parent.
Many textbooks are provided for student use. Families may be asked to purchase reading novels
for their classes. Students who damage or lose these books will be charged the full cost of the
During school hours, all visitors must first report to the school office to sign the Visitor’s log and
pick up a Visitor’s badge, which is a plastic, colored badge on a lanyard to be worn around the
neck for public view.
Anyone on campus for ANY REASON, other than dropping something off in the office and
then leaving, must wear a BADGE. Badges must be returned when leaving the campus.
Students who wish to bring a student visitor (from another school) for a day must receive
permission from the school administration and teachers at least one day in advance. The
visiting student must also submit a “Letter of Request” from his/her parents, asking the school to
have their child on campus for the day. This letter must be submitted at least one day in
Students may not fraternize with unauthorized visitors before, during or after school. Students
should not be involved in any arrangements to meet visitors on campus before, during or after
school. Students will be held accountable for all unauthorized visitors with whom they have
arranged to come on campus.
The Advisory Board serves the Pastor and the Principal in an advisory capacity. Matters critical
to the functioning of the school are considered during the monthly meetings. The first thirty
minutes of each meeting are open to allow interested parents to participate. Parents planning to
attend are asked to call the school or a Board member prior to attending. Board meetings are
usually held on the second Tuesday of each month in the Faculty Room.
The Parent Teacher Organization exists to foster a sense of community and to emphasize the
connection between home and school. In addition, the PTA will function as the school’s lead
fundraising organization. All parents of students enrolled in Madonna del Sasso School are
members of the PTA. The PTA operates under the supervision of the Principal. The President
of the PTA is an ex-officio member of the Advisory Board and is required to attend Advisory
Board meetings. Room parents are required to attend the monthly PTA Board meetings. This
helps keep communication lines open with regard to any PTA events and fundraising activities.
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month in the Faculty Room.
The weekly bulletin, which contains important time-sensitive information, will be emailed.
Please make an effort to read it each week to keep abreast of weekly news items. Some paper
copies of the weekly bulletin are also available in the office. The monthly school calendar, the
Tuition statement and Extension statement will be sent at the beginning of each month. Email
blasts about topics not included in the weekly bulletin are also sent to all parents as needed.
Parents may visit their child’s classroom while it is in session. Arrangements must be made with
the teacher at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the visit. Visitors are required to check
in and out with the office staff and must wear a visitor badge during their entire visit. Parents
are asked not to bring younger children with them. Parents may stay for an appropriate
amount of time.
Parent volunteers are any adult family members who are 18 or older, and who commit to help a
homeroom teacher and/or respective parent volunteers with various events: class gatherings,
field trips, seasonal celebrations, presentations, workshops, etc. When visiting, they are to abide
by the procedures established for visiting parents listed above. Parent volunteers are not
permitted to assist teachers in the assessment and evaluation of curricular learning (i.e. testing,
grades, academic records, etc.).
All parent volunteers MUST have their fingerprint clearances and Virtues certificates on file in
the office before any volunteering can occur.
A Room Parent is any adult family member who assumes the responsibility of the lead Parent
Volunteer. The Room Parent commits to help a homeroom teacher in acquiring resources and
coordinating other Parent Volunteers to donate time, talents and sometimes supplies for the
purpose of organizing special events such as: class gatherings, field trips, seasonal celebrations,
presentations, workshops, participate in school fundraisers, etc.
Room Parents will receive an Emergency Contact List for the class. This list is to be kept
confidential, and is not to be shared with anyone or used for personal purposes. This
Emergency Contact List must be returned to the homeroom or classroom teacher at the
end of the school year.
With respect to long time Madonna del Sasso School traditions, one of the main responsibilities
of 7
grade room parents is to fundraise for and organize the 8
grade graduation luncheon.
Second grade room parents have, as one of their responsibilities, the task of working with the
classroom teacher on the events related to First Reconciliation and First Communion.
First grade room parents have, as one of their responsibilities, the task of working with the
classroom teacher in organizing and assisting at the second grade First Communion luncheon.
Room parents are required to attend the monthly PTA Board meetings. This helps keep
communication lines open with regard to any PTA events and fundraising activities.
Parents involved in school activities communicate the value of education to their children and in
turn the students’ educational achievement is enhanced.
The Service Hours requirements are:
Each family is required to provide 35 service hours per year. Families receiving
financial assistance are required to complete more hours. The service hour cycle begins
the first day of summer vacation and ends the last day of the school year. Hours worked
during the summer will apply to the upcoming school year.
All volunteers must be 18 years or older, and have fingerprint clearances on file in the
school office. To drive on a field trip, volunteers must be 21 or older to drive other
students. If you are planning to drive for any school-related purpose you must watch a
safety driving video. At the conclusion of the video, there is an option to print your
certificate. Please print the certificate and submit it to the school office. See our website
for the video link. In addition, each volunteer must complete the online course
( “Virtues” and submit the certificate of completion to the school office.
Please see school office or website for more information.
Assistance in time, talent, or material that benefits Madonna del Sasso School can be
credited to service hours. Parents performing the service hours must obtain the
chairperson’s signature on the gold service hour slips. It is also the parent’s
responsibility to submit the gold service hour slips to the office within two weeks of the
event in order to receive service hour credit.
Inquiries about recording of service hours should be directed to the service hour
coordinator. For the 2021 - 2022 school year, please contact the school office.
Families ARE Required to Participate in 2 Mandatory Fundraisers that are decided
by the Principal.
Supplies donated to the school may be credited toward service hours at a value of $30.00
worth of materials per every hour. In order to receive credit for donated items, original
receipts must be attached to the gold confirmation slip signed by the teacher or
chairperson of the event or activity.
When requested by the school for school events, baking home made items may earn
service hours. Two service hours will be given for baking a home made cake OR for
baking 3 dozen home made cup cakes/cookies/brownies. It is the parent’s responsibility
to get the signature of the chairperson of the event on the gold confirmation slip. The
parent must submit the completed slip to the school office within two weeks of the event
in order for proper credit to be recorded by the Service Hours Coordinator.
Tardies 1 extra service hour will be added to the family’s service hour requirement for
every 3 tardies.
Dress Code Violations 1 extra service hour will be added to the family’s service hour
requirement for every 3 violations.
In recognition of the value of family involvement to the school and to the children, each
service hour is credited at $30.00. Therefore, families which fall short of the 35-hour
minimum will be assessed $30.00 per each hour not completed by the last day of school.
The assessment for uncompleted hours will be posted to the tuition account and is
payable before July 1.
In case of family emergencies and at the discretion of the principal, service hours may be
donated at the time of service from one current Madonna del Sasso School family to
another. This can be done by filling out the gold service hours slip with the name of the
family who is to receive the donated hours, at the time the service hours occur.
There are several positions that necessitate more than the required annual amount of service
hours, and COULD earn the annual amount, with active and consistent participation and
approval from the principal. Among those positions are:
Room Parent
Parent Teacher Associations (PTA) Board Member
Advisory Board Member
Overall Chairperson (or committee chair) of a major School Fund Raiser/Event
Coach and Assistant Coach for an athletic team consisting of at least 50% MDS students;
team must be sanctioned by the MDS Athletic Director.
Head Scout Leader (i.e. person who is registered with the respective Boy or Girl Scout
Council as the troop leader of record of a MDS sponsored troop; assistant leaders shall
record time hourly on the gold service hour slips and must get the signature of the head
Scout leader).
All other service to the school will be credited on an hourly basis recorded on the gold service
hour slips. Hours should be recorded to the nearest quarter hour. Parents performing the service
hours must obtain the chairperson’s signature on the gold service hour slips. It is also the
parent’s responsibility to submit the gold service hour slips to the office within two weeks of the
event in order to receive service hour credit. The only exception to filling out the gold service
hour slips is for playground supervision. These hours will be credited per the sign-in sheet in
the office. The Service Hour Coordinator will track hours from the sign-in sheets.
Limited financial aid is available for assistance in cases of need. Financial aid packets may be
obtained through the school office in December. Requests for aid are processed through Private
School Aid Service in early April. Moneys are distributed at the recommendation of that agency.
Requests must be renewed annually. In recognition of an award of financial aid, families
receiving financial assistance are required to perform 10 additional service hours beyond the 35
hour minimum. (Not implementing for the 2021 - 2022 school year)
The school office will no longer be accepting cash payments over $100.00. Payments over $100
need to be paid with a cashier’s check or money order. Credit Card payments will be accepted at
a later date with a service fee.
Tuition rates for the 2021 - 2022 school year. The rates can also be viewed on the school’s
website (
2 DAY (T/TH) 3 DAY (M/W/F) 5 DAY (M-F)
$2,865 $3,607 $5,558
TK – 8th: $6,069
A non-refundable registration fee of $350 per TK-8 student, and $350 per Preschool Student, is
due in full by March 1st to reserve space in class for the following school year, unless prior
arrangements have been made with the Bookkeeper. After March 1
registration fee is $400.
Payments will be applied to the oldest balances first. All accounts must be brought current prior
to acceptance of the registration fee for the next school year. Students will be taken from waiting
lists if current families do not re-register by February 1st.
Eighth grade students will be charged a $150.00 graduation fee, payable by September 10
$200 if paid after September 10th. If accounts are not paid in full prior to graduation, student
may not be allowed to participate in graduation ceremony and their cum files will not be released
to their prospective schools.
Each family will be charged a $300 Building & Maintenance Fee. This fee is payable on May
. $350 if paid after May 15
All school tuition payments (TK-8 and Preschool) for the 2021 - 2022 school year are to be paid
directly to FACTS. Their parent support staff is available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year
and can be reached at 866 -441-4637.
The tuition for each child is a yearly charge that your family incurs when your child is accepted
into the school. Payment for the yearly charge may be made to FACTS, in full, by semester,
with one half payable July 1st and the remaining half on December 1st, or over eleven months.
The Registration Fee for the following school year is due on February 1st. There is no tuition
payment due in February if your account is current. To pay over 12 months is a benefit available
to you, however, if payments are consistently late, the school may withdraw the benefit and the
entire tuition will come due. If accounts become past due, the student may not be allowed to
attend class until all past due balances are paid in full.
The tuition payments are due to FACTS on the 5
or 20
of each month and considered late
immediately after your selected due date. A late fee will be assessed by FACTS on late
In the event a child is withdrawn from school, the parents are responsible for the entire
annual tuition.
Returned checks for any school-related payment or fee (i.e. extension, hot lunches, etc.) will be
assessed a $35.00 fee. A cashier’s check in the amount of the check and the assessed returned
fee. It should be delivered to the School Bookkeeper within three business days of bank
notification. If there is an additional occurrence, all future payments will only be accepted in
the form of cash, cashier’s check or money order.
In signing the tuition contract, parents agree to pay FACTS on behalf of Madonna del Sasso
School the annual tuition and all applicable fees per the above tuition rate schedule. NOTE: If
the child withdraws before the end of the school year, the entire remaining tuition balance
is immediately due and payable.
All tuition accounts are to be cleared by June 30
unless special arrangements have been made
with the Bookkeeper and Principal. Students will be automatically dropped from enrollment for
the next school year when this policy is not carefully followed. Service hours and June extended
care services will be due upon receipt of billing.
Our Preschool offers a safe, nurturing environment enriched with Christian values, while
providing developmentally appropriate programs, for children ages three to five. Madonna del
Sasso Preschool is a place where children can make friends, explore, discover, create and grow
through religion, language arts, art, music and movement, and science and math to provide a
quality foundation for the child’s lifelong learning.
The goal of Madonna del Sasso Preschool is to assist and support our school families in
providing a secure, loving environment for their children. This goal is achieved by blending
cognitive, emotional, social, spiritual, and physical development, to allow each child to reach
his/her potential.
Children must be at least 3 years of age by July 1, and must be toilet trained before starting
Copies of birth certificates for all Preschool students must be presented at the time of
A physical examination along with certification of required vaccinations (3 polio, 4 DTP, 1
MMR, the Hib and Hep B series) must be presented at the time of registration, together with a
tuberculin test or waiver from the child's physician on the physician's report. THE ABOVE
(California state law requirement).
A non-refundable registration fee of $350.00 must be paid at the time of registration, payable to
“Madonna del Sasso Preschool”.
A child will not be fully registered at Madonna del Sasso Preschool until the parent/guardian has
agreed in writing to uphold the educational philosophy and goals of the school stated in the
admission agreement.
A child may be removed from school due to: failure to meet financial obligations; consistent
behavioral problems on part of the enrolled student; actions on the part of family members of the
enrolled student that negatively impact the school; and consistent tardiness in picking up the
The Department of Social Services has the authority as the child daycare licensing agency to
inspect and audit child or facility records and interview children or staff without prior consent.
In addition, the Department has the authority to observe the physical conditions of the preschool
program and site to ensure absence of abuse, neglect, or inappropriate placement of children.
Each person who signs the child in and out of Preschool must sign his/her full legal name in the
designated book. Families are responsible for informing other adults who pick up the child of
this policy, which is required by state law [section 101229.1 (a) (1)], and is the record of daily
attendance. Failure to comply with this policy will result in a warning for the first offense, and
then in a $20.00 fine per infraction. Each person who signs the child in and out of Preschool
must wear the designated badge at all time while on campus.
If someone other than the parent/guardian is to pick up a preschool student, written authorization
to the director or staff on duty must be included on the emergency card or in a separate note.
Parents are requested to call the school office (831) 424-7813 between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. if a
student will be absent for the day. An email may also be sent to the classroom/homeroom
teacher and/or office staff ([email protected] , [email protected]) to inform
the school of the student’s absence. The office staff will forward the email to the teacher(s). The
school office staff will attempt to call parents to verify an absence if a call has not been received.
A note is still needed when the student returns to school. The note for absences should include:
1) child’s name; 2) dates of the absence(s); 3) reason for absence; 4) signature of parent or
Bring the child to the school building upon arrival and sign his/her full name on the
appropriate register.
Sign the child out on the appropriate register before removing the child from the school
Notify the director at ext. 220 or via e-mail when someone other than those named on the
emergency information card will be picking up the child.
Notify the director at ext. 220 or via e-mail when the child will be absent.
Attend a conference when asked to do so by the director.
Read and abide by the handbook of Madonna del Sasso School.
Complete a minimum of 35 service hours, as indicated in the Madonna del Sasso School
Student-Parent Handbook.
Return the required preschool forms, filled out completely, and copies of the indicated
documents before the child starts school:
Admission Agreement
Tuition and Fees Agreement
Emergency Information
Consent for Medical Treatment
Physicians Report
Pre-Admission Health History
Personal Rights
Parent's Rights
Proof of Immunization
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Pamphlet
Baptism Certificate
Birth Certificate
Uniforms are required at Madonna del Sasso Preschool. Please visit Dennis Uniforms for uniform purchases. Every child should
have an extra change of clothes at school. PLEASE SEND A LABELED JACKET OR
Discipline in the Catholic school is considered an essential aspect of Christian development and
moral guidance. The discipline policy at Madonna del Sasso Preschool strives to provide a
healthy atmosphere conducive to learning and personal growth. Appropriate conduct at
Madonna del Sasso Preschool means having a positive, respectful attitude toward staff, visitors,
and fellow students.
Children need to know what we expect from them; therefore, our teacher and aides use positive
and preventative methods of discipline to maintain an atmosphere of love, acceptance and order.
Our objective is to help the children learn to exercise self-control, to respect the rights of others,
and to express their feelings in an appropriate manner. The three guiding rules to achieve this
objective will be: children may not hurt themselves; children may not hurt others; and children
may not destroy property. If there is a consistent concern about a child’s behavior, a meeting
will be arranged for the parents, teacher/director and principal to discuss the situation. Corporal
or unusual punishment will not be allowed at Madonna del Sasso Preschool under any
Sick children may not attend preschool. If a child becomes ill at school, it is the parent's
responsibility to pick the child up as soon as possible after notification from the preschool. The
staff will post notices of any contagious illness that may occur. YOUR CHILD MUST BE
FOR ANY MEDICATION to be given to your child at preschool, a request slip must be signed
and dated by the parent. The medication must be prescribed by a doctor and in its original bottle
with the child's name, prescribed dosages and instructions appearing on the bottle. PLEASE
hand the medication to a staff member when signing in the child.
The children will be provided with a healthy snack each day. The students will generally
participate in the preparation of their snack. The parents are asked to sign up to bring snack for
the class.
Madonna del Sasso Preschool will follow the yearly calendar of Madonna del Sasso School. A
monthly preschool newsletter will be sent home that will list the holidays, if any, for that month.
The yearly school calendar is available in the main office.
“Every athlete exercises discipline in every way. They do it to win a perishable crown, but we,
an imperishable one.” -1 Cor. 9:25 (New American Bible)
Madonna del Sasso School strives to promote opportunities for students to grow in physical
stamina and commitment to community through team building in its after-school sports
programs. Conscious of the growing need for athletes and spectators who demonstrate honorable
and sportsmanlike conduct, MDS School athletes, parents and coaches are held to the highest
standards of faith and community consistent with the teachings of Christ.
MDS School participates in interscholastic athletics at the 7
and 8
grade level as part of the
Mission Trail Junior Athletic League (MTJAL).
The league sports include boys’ and girls’ volleyball, boys’ and girls’ basketball (grades 7-8),
soccer, track and field, tennis and golf (grades 6-8).
Grades 3
grade sports (i.e., basketball, volleyball, flag football and soccer) are organized
through the City of Salinas Recreation Department.
All athletes are required to have fees and registration requirements completed and approved
before they are permitted to participate in any athletic activity.
To be eligible to participate in extra-curricular sports, students must maintain a “C” average of at
least a 74% in all subject areas. Participation in school sports is a privilege, not a right.
To be eligible for the first semester (fall sports) students must have passed from the previous
school year. A previously eligible student will not be eligible to try out for a winter sport if
he/she earns less than a 74% (“C”) average in all subject areas in the first quarter. To be eligible
for extra-curricular sports for the second semester (spring sports), a student must have earned at
least a 74% average in the first semester. A previously eligible student will lose eligibility for
the remainder of the school year, if he/she earns three or more failing third quarter grades.
Athletic Director needs to confirm with coaches and teachers if a student is eligible. The
Principal or the Principal’s designee may review a student’s eligibility.
This eligibility policy meets and exceeds the regulations of the California Interscholastic
Federation (CIF).
A certificate of participation will be presented to each participant of an extra-curricular athletic
team, providing the participant completes the following requirements:
Commit to the highest standards of Christ through faith and community in participation
in athletic events and contests
Faithfully attend and participate in ALL practices and games
Conduct himself/herself in accordance with the league’s Code of Sportsmanship
Participation awards for grades 3-8 will be presented to eligible team members by the coach.
Awards for MTJAL student-athletes will be presented at the Athletic Awards assembly in the
The following special awards may be presented to players for each sport:
Most Valuable Player Coach’s Choice
Best Player Defense Sportsmanship
Best Player Offense Most Improved Player
(based on sportsmanship, most inspirational, most improved)
Fingerprint clearance, VIRTUS certificate completed, and Smart Driving certificate
Coach and Assistant Coach for an athletic team consisting of at least 50% MDS students;
team must be sanctioned by the MDS Athletic Director.
Give Form of Eligibility to middle school students before adding students to roster, to get
conduct and academic information from teachers
Collect Form of Eligibility from each student
Check in with teachers regarding student’s continued eligibility throughout the season of
that sport
Conduct oneself according to the school’s mission and philosophy.
Promote Christian values that enhance a strong athletic foundation.
Nurture the student-athlete’s growth of character and self-esteem.
Develop a positive parent/coach/athlete relationship.
Promote respect, good sportsmanship, and obedience towards authority figures by
treating student-athletes, parent, opponents and game officials with respect.
Instruct each student-athlete as to the rules of the sport through regular practices and
game competition.
Maintain constant supervision of student-athletes until all of them have been picked up;
students should never be left alone after practices or games.
Check students in and out of school extended care before 6:00 p.m., as needed.
Communicate with the Athletic Director regarding games and practice schedules.
Confirm game dates and times with other league schools when necessary.
Organize car pool transportation to and from games.
Maintain inventory of all team equipment.
Insure proper registration and emergency information for each student-athlete before
he/she is permitted to practice.
Coaches will be responsible for completing and abiding by a Student Activity Center
(SAC) use agreement form.
The following is the statement of the Mission Trail Junior Athletic League Code of
Sportsmanship by which all schools abide.
We treat the teams and spectators of visiting schools as our guests.
We avoid rowdiness, profanity, or uncouth actions of any nature.
We respect our school campus and those of other schools, and avoid derisive action or
words toward them.
We enthusiastically support our fans and respect the fans of our opponents.
We respect skillful and courageous performance by all participants in the athletic contest,
and at all times refrain from unsportsmanlike remarks to or about visiting team members
and spectators.
We will be modest in victory and gracious in defeat.
We will be proud of the teams and coaches that represent our schools, and encourage
them to display the finest in sportsmanship.
We remember that we represent our school and community and that we value good
conduct, and will discourage behavior that will bring discredit to our school or
We remember the fine heritage of American sports and athletics and the opportunities for
sportsmanship they afford us.
We remember that an athletic contest is only a game -- not a matter of life or death for
player, coach, school, spectator, official, or community.
Any person (athletic department, staff or faculty member, student-athlete, parent, fan or spectator
associated with a member school) who causes a disruption at an athletic activity will be escorted
from the site and subject to arrest.
Any student-athlete who is ejected from a sporting event must meet with the Principal the next
school day to explain him/herself. The student-athlete will be subject to consequences up to and
including dismissal.
Madonna’s School Extension program serves parents of our school by caring for their children
Monday through Friday during non-school hours (7:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m.). Established holidays
will be noted on the monthly calendar. Opportunity for study, organized playtime, and
continuation of Christian living principles are a part of the regular full schedule.
Children are not allowed to be on the school ground unsupervised. Therefore, students who
arrive at school before 8:00 a.m. or remain after 2:15 p.m. on Wednesdays and 3:15 p.m. or
12:15 p.m for Preschool are REQUIRED to attend the School Extension, and families will
be charged accordingly.
On MINIMUM DAYS, each student is required to leave the school grounds at 12:30 p.m. or
report to the Extension Program.
Extension employees need to know which children are to attend the Extension Program after
school each day. Fifteen (15) minutes after dismissal your student WILL be signed into
Extension by their teacher. It is your responsibility to review times and sign your student out of
extension. The procedure is designed to protect the children. If a child who is expected does not
report to the Extension facility, the director is then able to make the proper inquiries.
If you need to call during the day to have your child attend Extension, the office staff will inform
the student and Extension director. An emergency card MUST be completed for the Extension
office before the first day of attendance. Please update the emergency cards as needed.
TK – 8
GR. TK-8
1 Child $6 $250
2 Children $12 $500
3 Children $18 $750
4 Children $24 $1,000
Families may choose the monthly payment option by notifying the Bookkeeper in advance.
Extension is billed monthly or by the hour and not prorated. Ex. You sign your child out
at 4:06, you will be billed for the entire hour. Same rule applies if you sign them out at
3:45, you will be billed for the entire hour.
Children are in the care of the Extension program as of 3:15 p.m. unless they are signed out by
an adult for a specific event (i.e. sports, Scouting, etc.)
Students waiting to practice for after-school sports MUST CHECK IN TO THE
EXTENSION PROGRAM. Coaches are responsible to see that their student athletes are
signed out from Extension properly and DO NOT remain on the school grounds
Access to the School Extension may be refused to any family who has not purchased hours.
Payments may be made at the school office or the Extension office. If fees are not paid in a
timely manner, the student may be dropped from the program.
Extension staff will fill in the time of pick up and parents or guardians must sign the pick
up sheet verifying time. They must also make verbal contact with the employee on duty
at that time.
Personnel will not permit the child to leave the facility unless it is to a parent, guardian,
or to persons whose names are listed on the emergency card.
There is a penalty for tardy pick-up of $2.00/child for every minute after 5:30 p.m.
Consistent delinquent payment or late pick-up could result in the loss of service. If
a student is not picked up within 30 minutes of closing time, the police may be
Written permission must be submitted by the first day of the activity for your child to
participate in any after-school programs. Time spent in “after-school activities” will not
be charged, as long as notation is made on sign-out sheet.
Children are not encouraged to bring toys from home. Madonna del Sasso School will
not accept responsibility for lost or broken items.
Students are expected to report to School Extension promptly. They may
NOT remain with their classroom teacher after school without notifying Extension
Students need to make immediate contact with a Supervisor upon arrival.
Students who are enrolled in both Extension and after-school activities are to report to
Extension BEFORE reporting to the activity (sports, band, etc.).
It is the student’s responsibility to have with them all materials necessary to complete
homework assignments. The staff has no way of knowing what assignments have been
A change of clothing is recommended. Students must keep track of his/her belongings.
Be sure they are labeled.
Madonna del Sasso School Preschool Extension provides a service to Madonna del Sasso School
parents by caring for their Preschool children, presently attending Madonna del Sasso School, in
a loving and constructive manner.
HOURS: Monday thru Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. & 12:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
SIGN IN / SIGN OUT: Preschool staff will sign in Students as they arrive. Parent/guardian
must sign out student (s) daily. Note is required to authorize “non-parent” pick-up.
PAYMENTS: Families may choose the monthly payment option by notifying the Bookkeeper in
1 child (Preschool) $ 6 $400
2 children (Preschool) $ 12 $750
They also may be placed in the black mailbox on the wall in the school office.
LATE FEES: There is a penalty for tardy pick-up of $2.00/child for every minute after 6
p.m. Consistent delinquent payment or late pick-up could result in the loss of service. If a
student is not picked up within 30 minutes of closing time, the police may be called.
PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Preschool Extension will be organized to include specific time
for class work, outdoor play, snacks, structured crafts, games, rest time for students under five,
and quiet listening.
Students should bring: 1) a lunch, 2) a change of clothes for inclement weather or accidents and
3) their own blankets and pillow plus any other necessary materials that will make them
comfortable / put them at ease when they have their rest period.
Refer to the Covid-19 Reopening plan for information regarding the following:
Children MUST stay home if Sick
The Use of Masks/Face Shields
Cleaning/Sanitizing processes in place
Researched based daily curriculum for social emotional wellbeing and health
Students will remain with their class all day
Staggered recess and PE schedules/activities
Lunch and snack times will take place outside or in the classroom. Lunches MUST be
brought with the students
Outdoor garden areas will be used for instructional and social purposes
Limited Parent/Volunteers on Campus at the discretion of the school administration.
Electronic devices
Student’s Name: ______________________________________ Grade: ________________
Student’s Name: ______________________________________ Grade: ________________
Student’s Name: ______________________________________ Grade: ________________
Parent/Guardian: please review and initial each section below:
2021 - 22 Family Handbook:
____: I have read ALL sections of the 2021 - 2022 Family Handbook and it is our/my responsibility to review with
my child(ren) the polices and procedures and help them understand that compliance is necessary and expected.
2021 - 22 MDS Technology Policies:
____ & ____: I have read and understand the 2021 - 2022 Technology policies and it is our/my responsibility to
review with my child(ren) the polices and procedures and help them understand that compliance is necessary and
2021 - 22 Extension Policies:
____ : I have read and understand the 2021 - 2022 Extension policies and it is our/my responsibility to review with
my child(ren) the polices and procedures and help them understand that compliance is necessary and expected.
2021 - 22 Tuition Policies:
____ : I have read and understand the 2021 - 2022 Tuition policies and it is our/my responsibility to review with my
child(ren) the polices and procedures and help them understand that compliance is necessary and expected.
2021 - 22 Family Service Hours Policies:
____ : I have read and understand the 2021 - 2022 Family Service Hours policies and it is our/my responsibility to
review with my child(ren) the polices and procedures and help them understand that compliance is necessary and
2021 - 22 Attendance Policies:
____ : I have read and understand the 2021 - 2022 Attendance policies and it is our/my responsibility to review with
my child(ren) the polices and procedures and help them understand that compliance is necessary and expected.
2021 - 22 Uniform Policies:
____ : I have read and understand the 2021 - 2022 Uniform policies and it is our/my responsibility to review with
my child(ren) the polices and procedures and help them understand that compliance is necessary and expected.
Signature and Acknowledgement
2021 - 2022 School Year
2021 - 2022 COVID-19 Reopening Plan:
____ : I have read and understand the 2021 - 2022 Reopening Plan Handbook and it is our/my responsibility to
review with my child(ren) the policies and procedures and help them understand that compliance is necessary and
I/We have thoroughly read the School Handbook, and understand the policies it contains. We agree to cooperate
with all the policies, procedures and expectations contained within. We understand that the Principal reserves the
right to amend this handbook at any time and that any amendment will be communicated to the parents.
Student’s Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ______________
Mother’s/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ______________
Father’s/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ______________
Please return this signed page to your Teacher.
Madonna del Sasso School does not discriminate on the basis of
race, color, national and/or ethnic origin, age or gender in
administration of its educational policies, admissions policies,
scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other school-
administered programs.