Labor and Delivery of Twin
Stephanie Melka, MD, James Miller, MD, Nathan S. Fox, MD
The incidence of twin pregnancies in the United States has increased over the past
few decades, and twins now represent 3.4% of all US live births.
In the United States,
approximately 75% of twins are delivered by cesarean delivery (CD).
Reasons for the
high CD rate in the United States include malpresentation of the first or second twin,
prematurity, maternal comorbidities, and patient preference. However, recent litera-
ture suggests that, for many women with twin pregnancies, vaginal delivery can be
achieved without increasing maternal or neonatal morbidity. This article reviews the
management of labor in twin pregnancies.
Mode of Delivery and Success Rates of Twin Vaginal Delivery
and both babies. With regard to mode of delivery, there ar e 3 potential
Disclosure: The authors have nothing to disclose.
Maternal Fetal Medicine Associates, PLLC, and The Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and
Reproductive Science, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, 70 East 90th Street, New York,
NY 10128, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address : [email protected]
Breech extraction
Active management
In twin pregnancies, planned vaginal delivery is not associated with adverse maternal or
neonatal outcomes, compared with planned cesarean delivery, assuming the obstetrician
is experienced in twin delivery.
Active management of the second stage of labor consists of breech extraction of the non-
vertex second twin and internal podalic version and breech extraction of the unengaged
vertex second twin.
Active management of the second stage of labor achieves a high rate of vaginal deliveries
and very low rates of combined vaginal-cesarean delivery.
Obstet Gynecol Clin N Am 44 (2017) 645–654
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Vaginal delivery of both twins
CD of both twins
Vaginal delivery of twin A followed by CD of twin B (combined vaginal-CD)
In general, vaginal delivery of both twins is the most desirable outcome (discussed
later) because neonatal outcomes are similar regardless of mode of delivery and
because it avoids the maternal morbidity associated with CD for the current preg-
nancy and future pregnancies. CD of both twins is the next desirable outcome. The
least desirable outcome is a combined vaginal-CD. This type of delivery adds the mor-
bidities of labor, vaginal delivery, and CD. It also frequently is associated with a
complication between the delivery of the first and second twin.
Rates for the 3 modes of delivery vary in the literature. In the United States, the
overall rate of CD for twins is approximately 75%
and up to 10% of women who
deliver the first twin vaginally have an unplanned CD of the second twin.
In Ireland,
the CD rate for twins is 65% (23% for women who labored) with a 3% rate of com-
bined vaginal-CD.
A study from France of 657 women with twin pregnancies
attempting labor showed a CD rate of 21.1% with a combined v aginal-CD rate of
only 0.5%.
The different CD rates and different combined vaginal-CD rates are mostly
caused by differences in management of a nonvertex second twin. In the United
States, malpresentation of the sec ond twin is often the reason for CD because
most modern-trained obstetricians lack the knowledge and e xperience to perform
a breech delivery. However, in France, where the success rates were best, the ob-
stetricians were comfortable with delivery of the seco nd twin regar dless of presen-
tation because they routinely used active manag ement of the second stage of
labor, which consists of 2 essential tools: breech extraction of the nonvertex sec-
ond twin and internal po dalic version and breech extr acti on of the unengaged ver-
tex second twin. Studies in the United States are consistent with these approaches.
For example, among 130 women with twin pregnancies attempting labor, the CD
rate was 15.4% with 0% having a combined vaginal-CD.
In a follow-up study of
286 women with twin pre gnancies attempting vaginal deliver y, these rates were
17.8% and 0%, respectively.
Active management of the second sta ge in a twin gestation is used to deliver
the second twin by bre ech extraction in a ll cases except when the second twin
is in an engaged vertex presentation. If there are no contraindicati ons to vaginal
delivery, patients with twin pregnancies who labor and have active management
of the second stage should expect high rates of va ginal deliveries and very low
rates of combined vagi nal-C D.
Both retrospective studies showed similar
short-term neonatal outcomes for twins, regardless of planned mode of
Mode of Delivery: Safety of Vaginal Twin Delivery
Most older studies examining the safest mode of delivery for twins were retrospective
and compared either twins born vaginally with twins born by CD, or compared twins
with planned vaginal delivery with twins with planned CD. The conclusions of those
studies were mixed,
with some finding benefit to CD and others finding no dif-
ference in outcomes. However, the retrospective studies all contain significant selec-
tion bias, and it is difficult to make any definitive conclusions from these types of
The Twin Birth Study was a prospective, randomized trial of planned vaginal delivery
versus planned CD for twin pregnancies, and the results were published in 2013.
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This multicenter study from 2003 to 2011 across 106 centers in 25 countries included
2804 women with twin pregnancies 32 0/7 to 38 6/7 weeks who were randomized to
planned vaginal delivery versus planned CD. Inclusion criteria included estimated fetal
weights 1500g to 4000g; the first twin had to be in vertex presentation; both twins had
to be alive, and there were no other contraindications to labor. Both dichorionic and
monochorionic twins were included, but monoamniotic twins were excluded. The pri-
mary outcome was a composite of fetal and neonatal mortality or serious neonatal
morbidity at 28 days of life, and did not differ significantly between the two groups
(2.2% in the planned CD group vs 1.9% in the planned vaginal delivery group;
P 5 .49). There were no differences in any secondary outcomes between the groups,
including individual fetal or neonatal outcomes, and maternal composite morbidity.
Also, the primary outcome was not affected by position of the second twin, gestational
age, chorionicity, maternal age, or perinatal mortality in the country of residence.
Follow-up examination of the children at 2 years of life did not show any differences
in neurodevelopmental outcomes between the groups.
Maternal outcomes also
did not differ at 3 months after delivery.
Based on the results of this randomized trial,
for women with a twin pregnancy greater than 32 weeks with the first twin in vertex
presentation, planned CD is not associated with any known improvement in maternal
or neonatal morbidity or mortality.
In the Twin Birth Study, among the 1393 women in the planned vaginal delivery
group, the CD rate was 39.6% and the combined vaginal-CD rate was 4.2%. After
removing the 196 women who had their CD before labor, for the women who attemp-
ted labor, the CD rate was 34.4% (412 out of 1197) and the combined vaginal-CD rate
was 4.9% (57 out of 1197). All delivering obstetricians were reported to be experi-
enced at vaginal twin delivery, but no specific details were reported regarding exper-
tise in breech extraction or internal podalic version.
Mode of Delivery: Conclusion
Patients with twin pregnancies greater than 32 weeks with the first twin in vertex pre-
sentation should be counseled that planned vaginal delivery is not associated with
adverse maternal or neonatal outcomes, compared with planned CD, assuming the
obstetrician is experienced in twin delivery. If the mother does attempt labor, the likeli-
hood of a vaginal delivery is approximately 65% to 75% and the likelihood of a com-
bined vaginal-CD is approximately 3% to 10%. However, if the delivering obstetrician
is comfortable with active management of the second stage, including breech extrac-
tion and internal podalic version, the likelihood of vaginal delivery can be as high as
85% and the combined vaginal-CD rate could be less than 1%. Planned vaginal de-
livery of twins is currently encouraged in well-selected patients.
The approach to vaginal delivery of twins usually involves institutional guidelines
about selection and management. There are no specific a pproaches that have
been well studie d compared with others. Thus, this article presents an example of
a specific protocol for the delivery of twin pregnancies. This protocol has several
Patient Selection
Not all women with twin pregnancies should attempt a trial of labor. First, the patient
should desire a vaginal delivery and there should be no other contraindications to
vaginal delivery. In addition, the following is required:
Labor and Delivery of Twins
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Twin A must be in vertex presentation.
Twin B’s estimated fetal weight should be greater than 1500g.
If the estimated fetal weight of twin B is greater than twin A, the discordance
should be less than 20%.
Third-Trimester Counseling
All patients with twin pregnancies considering vaginal delivery are counseled in the
third trimester, including:
A devoted counseling session with a delivering obstetrician
An opportunity to accept or decline an attempt at vaginal delivery
Detailed documentation in the prenatal record
Timing of Delivery
Because of the increased risk of intrauterine fetal demise in twin pregnancies, uncom-
plicated twin pregnancies are delivered earlier than singletons. Delivery is commonly
recommended for twin pregnancies at the following gestational ages, or sooner if
other indications are present
Dichorionic diamniotic twins: 38 weeks
Monochorionic diamniotic twins: 37 weeks
These recommendations are made to balance the increasing risk of stillbirth and the
decreasing risk of prematurity as a pregnancy progresses, as well as the small risks of
early term deliveries.
Induction of Labor
When a woman with a twin pregnancy has an indication for delivery, or she has
reached the gestational age at which delivery is recommended, induction of labor is
offered as an option.
Twin pregnancies can use the same approaches as singleton gestations; for example,
cervical ripening with prostaglandins or a transcervical Foley balloon catheter.
Induction of labor has similar success in twin pregnancies as in singleton pregnan-
cies, and the risk factors for failed induction are the same (nulliparity, advanced
maternal age, low Bishop score).
For example, in one study, for women with twins
undergoing induction of labor, nulliparous women had a 27.9% likelihood of CD,
whereas multiparous women had a 5.1% likelihood of CD.
Regional Anesthesia
For all women with twin pregnancies attempting labor, regional anesthesia (epidural) is
recommended for several reasons:
In the event of an unplanned CD in labor. Trying to place an epidural in this setting
could be difficult in a woman with twins and general anesthesia carries an
increased risk of aspiration.
If twin B is in vertex presentation, then the estimated fetal weight criteria for twin B listed earlier do
not apply. The criteria are meant to decrease the risk of head entrapment. Head entrapment at the
cervix is thought to be more common in preterm babies in whom the head circumference is larger
than the abdominal circumference or in deliveries in which twin B is significantly larger than twin
A. However, data supporting this concern are limited. Patients in this scenario must be counseled
that they are at increased risk for combined vaginal-CD because they would not be candidates for
breech extraction.
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Maternal comfort can facilitate easier fetal monitoring of both twins.
Most importantly, to allow for breech extraction of the second twin. Breech
extraction cannot be easily performed without anesthesia.
Management of Labor
Most labor management for twins is similar to that for a singleton gestation. Pa-
tients are given a clear liquid diet, and intravenous fluids are administered at a
maintenance r ate (typically 125 mL/h). Continuous external fetal heart rate moni-
toring is performed for both twins until delivery. Because monito ring both twins
externally can be technically challenging, plac ement of an inte rnal scalp el ectrode
for twin A can be p erformed as needed, l eaving only twin B with external moni -
toring. If continuous fetal heart ra te m onitoring cannot be achieved, CD is
Assessment of the labor curve and appropriate progress in labor does not
differ for twin pregnancies com pared with singleton pregnancies. Obstetric inter-
ventions in labor and the d ecision to perform a CD for arrest of labor or nonreassur-
ing fetal heart rate are according to the same indications as in singleton
During labor, the patient remains in a standard labor room until the cervix is fully
dilated, at which point she is transferred to the operating room for delivery. Consider-
ation should be given to delivering all twins in the operating room for several reasons:
The operating room is the largest room on labor and delivery, which allows space
for all personnel present for delivery.
The overhead lighting allows for better visualization.
Decreased time to delivery if an emergent CD is warranted.
For all twin deliveries, the following personnel are present in the operating room:
Two obstetricians (ideally one of whom is a learner, such as a resident or junior
Two pediatric teams, 1 for each twin.
Three nurses: 1 for the patient and 1 for each twin.
A surgical technician, in the event of a CD, or to assist with instruments needed
for vaginal delivery.
An anesthesiologist.
The patient pushes in the second stage in the operating room using foot rests
attached to the operating room table and using a large foam wedge behind her to
allow her to be sitting at a 45
angle. Her partner is encouraged to be with her, similar
to a singleton vaginal delivery. Continuous fetal heart rate monitoring is maintained for
both twins during the second stage of labor.
All personnel in the operating room wear surgical scrubs, masks, and head covers,
but no one aside from the surgical technician is scrubbed at this time.
Delivery: Active Management of the Second Stage
The delivery of twin A proceeds as a standard singleton vertex delivery, with the use of
operative delivery and episiotomy as indicated. After the first twin delivers, the cord is
clamped twice with small plastic cord clamps and cut and twin A is handed to
the mother or the awaiting pediatricians. A single clamp is left on the cord of twin A
(to help differentiate the 2 placentas after birth).
After delivery of the first twin is complete, a vaginal examination is done to deter-
mine the presenting part of twin B and the mode of delivery for the second twin.
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Twin B: cephalic and engaged
If twin B is cephalic and engaged in the maternal pelvis, continuous fetal heart rate
monitoring is continued until delivery and the mother begins to push again.
Frequently, oxytocin needs to be given (or the rate increased) to maintain a regular
contraction pattern. As maternal contractions bring the fetal head further into the
pelvis, artificial rupture of membranes is performed with maternal expulsive efforts
to facilitate delivery. Operative delivery and episiotomy are performed for the usual
Twin B: breech or transverse
If twin B is in breech or transverse presentation, a total breech extraction is performed.
This extraction should occur within several minutes of delivery for twin A. Delivering
twin B before the cervix contracts decreases the likelihood of a head entrapment in
the cervical canal.
To perform breech extraction, the fetal feet are grasped at the ankles and pulled
caudally, maintaining a g ood hold because the membranes typically rupture at
this time. If not, artificial rupture of membranes is performed. If both feet cannot
be grasped, it is appropriate to pull on 1 foot until the foot reaches past the
introitus, at which point the seco nd leg and foot can usually be identified and
As the breech delivers past the introitus, the umbilical cord is lengthened and the
infant is grasped with 1 hand on each hip. The operator’s thumbs should be placed
on the sacrum and the hands wrapped around the sides and grasping the front of
the infant with the index fingers on the anterior superior iliac spines. Pressure higher
or more lateral on the back could cause trauma to the kidneys or adrenal glands. Pull-
ing caudally delivers the fetal abdomen and chest, with concurrent 180
clockwise and
counterclockwise rotation to dislodge a possible nuchal arm, as needed. As the fetal
scapulae come into view, the arms are then delivered. If the right scapula is visible, the
provider’s right hand is used and the right thumb is placed on the right scapula, and
the fingers are used to sweep the right arm in a down-and-out fashion. The infant is
then rotated clockwise, and the left arm is delivered in the same fashion with the op-
erator’s left hand.
The head is delivered by performing the Mauriceau-Smellie-Veit maneuver. The first
and middle fingers of the obstetrician’s dominant hand are placed on the fetal
mandible on each side of the fetal mouth with the palm on the baby’s chest. The
nondominant hand is placed along the upper back with the middle finger on the
occiput. By pulling down on the maxillae and pushing down on the occiput, this main-
tains flexion of the fetal head. An assistant can also provide suprapubic pressure to aid
with flexion of the head. As the body is elevated, the head is then delivered through the
vagina. If further fetal head flexion is needed, Piper forceps can be used.
Twin B: Unengaged
If twin B is vertex or oblique, but unengaged, there is an option for an internal podalic
version of twin B. To perform this maneuver, one hand is placed in the vagina and the
other on the maternal abdomen. The hand in the vagina should be the one opposite
the side of the fetal back. So, if the fetal back is to the maternal right, the operator’s
right hand is placed in the vagina and the left hand on the maternal abdomen. The op-
erator’s internal hand first elevates the vertex higher into the uterine cavity and then
reaches for a fetal foot. The outer hand then continues to elevate the vertex, while
the internal hand pulls the feet caudally, rotating the baby to complete breech presen-
tation. Delivery then proceeds as a breech extraction, as described earlier.
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After delivery of the second twin, the umbilical cord is clamped and cut and then
marked as twin B with 2 clamps. The baby is handed to the mother or the second
team of pediatricians. C ord blood gases are obtained and the placentas are then
delivered. Oxytocin is administered, as well as any additional uter otonics as
needed. Any lacerat ions are repaired and the patient is returned to the sup ine
Twin pregnancies are at increased risk for delivery complications relative to singleton
pregnancies. There is an increased risk for uterine atony, postpartum hemorrhage,
and difficult extraction. There are also potential complications associated with active
management of the second stage, such as cord prolapse, hand presentation, nuchal
arm, and head entrapment. With proper patient selection and provider training, most
of these complications can be prevented or mitigated to achieve a safe delivery. Some
of the most common complications and their management are listed here.
Uterine Atony
An enlarged uterus (overdistended by twins) is a known risk factor for uterine atony
and postpartum hemorrhage. On admission to the hospital, a sample of blood should
be sent to the blood bank to crossmatch at least 2 units of packed red blood cells for
all twin deliveries. After delivery, routine active management of the third stage of labor
(uterine massage and intravenous oxytocin) should be used and there should be a low
threshold to administer any additional uterotonic agents.
Difficult Extraction
Regardless of mode of delivery, extraction of twins can sometimes be a challenge.
Occasionally, it can be difficult during CD to deliver twin A in vertex presentation. If
an unengaged (floating) vertex is noted at the time of CD, twin B can be delivered first,
instrumental delivery with vacuum or forceps can be used for twin A, or an attempt can
be made to deliver twin A as a breech presentation. The pediatric team is present in
the delivery room for all twin deliveries in case neonatal support or resuscitation is
Unengaged Vertex of Twin B
If twin B is unengaged and vertex and given time to descend, there is a risk that the
cord or fetal hand could descend below the vertex while it is unengaged. A CD is
required in this setting because it is unsafe to perform an operative delivery with an
unengaged vertex and unsafe to perform breech extraction because of the risk of
head entrapment if too much time has elapsed after delivery of twin A.
Complications of Active Management During the Second Stage
Uterine hypertonicity
After delivery of twin A, the uterus may contract rapidly on twin B. In cases of malpre-
sentation, it can be difficult to perform the necessary maneuvers to rotate and deliver
the second twin in this setting. A single dose of nitroglycerin (100 mg intravenously
given by the anesthesiologist) or a dose of terbutaline (250 mg given subcutaneously)
can be used to relax a hypertonic uterus.
In experienced hands, internal podalic version and breech extraction are used.
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Failed breech extraction
If an attempt is made at breech extraction of twin B and it proves difficul t, t he
obstetrician must know when to abandon the proc edure and proceed w ith CD
for twin B (combined vaginal-CD). In general, most internal podalic versions and
breech extractions a re performed within a few minutes of birth of twin A. If breech
extraction of twin B has not been achieved after 5 minutes, staff should be notified
to prepare for CD and an assistant should begin scrubbing. Maneuvers to achieve
breech extraction should continue while final preparations are being made. In addi-
tion, CD should be started after 8 to 10 minutes have passed from the birth of twin
A. The provider must consider whether it would be appropri ate to use a midtrans-
verse or classic incision rather than a low transverse incision depending on the clin-
ical setting and maternal a natomy (fetal lie, distended bladder, length of seco nd
stage, and so forth).
Cord prolapse/hand presentation/funic presentation
Each of these conditions may be diagnosed after twin A has delivered. Internal podalic
version and breech extraction of twin B can be performed promptly, avoiding the need
for CD.
Nuchal arm
This condition occurs when the fetal arm is behind the fetal head and neck during
breech extraction. It is relieved with rotation of the fetal body. For example, as twin
B delivers, the sacrum is oriented anteriorly. If the left arm is reaching up and around
behind the fetal head toward the fetal right shoulder (ie, the left arm is between the fetal
head and the maternal bladder/anterior uterine wall), the fetal body should be rotated
clockwise until the arm passes in front of the head, and then is delivered in standard
fashion. A right nuchal arm is relieved with counterclockwise rotation of the fetal body.
Another way to remember this is whichever arm is nuchal, that shoulder needs to
rotate toward 12 o’clock (like windshield wipers).
Head entrapment
Head entrapment refers to the inability to deliver the fetal head during a breech extrac-
tion because it cannot pass through a contracted cervix. This situation is most likely to
1. When twin B is significantly larger than twin A
2. In certain cases of prematurity (caused by the larger ratio of head to abdominal
3. When breech delivery is not performed in a prompt fashion
As the cervix contracts, the fetal abdomen and thorax can pass through, but the cer-
vix prevents delivery of the fetal head. There are several maneuvers to assist with fetal
head entrapment. The anesthesiologist should ensure the patient has good pain relief
and administer a rapid-acting uterine relaxant. The assistant should provide suprapu-
bic pressure, which flexes the fetal head and may assist in delivery. Duhrssen incisions
can be made on the cervix using bandage scissors, incising at 2, 6, and 10 o’clock.
This technique increases the diameter of the cervix, allowing the fetal head to pass
through. If unsuccessful, CD is required.
Obstetricians who care for twin pregnancies should be aware of the challenges that
may arise during the labor and delivery. With recognition of these issues and proper
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training, providers should be able to help women with twin pregnancies achieve a safe
delivery for them and their babies. With the use of breech extraction of the second twin
and active management of the second stage of labor, women with twin pregnancies
can also achieve a high vaginal delivery rate of both twins.
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