In an attempt to ensure that Blackboard operates as efficiently as possible for all users, there are a handful
of restrictions imposed on the size of files uploaded into Blackboard. Be aware that there are no
governing systems in Blackboard that will prevent files over a certain size from being uploaded; it is the
user’s responsibility to be aware of the size of files they are uploading; given these restrictions. The sizes
and restrictions listed below are meant to be a tool to help determine optimal Blackboard performance in
your course and ease of accessibility for the student and a best practice measure meant to benefit all users.
Here are a few simple file size conversions for your consideration when evaluating the size guidelines:
KB means kilobyte: 1024 bytes (characters) = 1 KB; 1024 KB = 1 MB
MB means megabyte: 1024 MB = 1 GB
GB means gigabyte: 1024 GB = 1 TB (terabyte)
Example file sizes*:
1-5 page web optimized PDF or Word Document <= 200 KB
Standard PowerPoint presentation 20-30 slides => 5 MB
PowerPoint presentation with voiceovers 20-30 slides => 30-50 MB
5-minute web quality video => 20-30 MB
5-minute HD video => 300 MB
* File sizes are educated estimates. Export and quality settings may greatly impact final file size.
As a rule, files over 50 MB are considered “large” files and should not be loaded into a
Blackboard course. These large media files in such formats as .MOV, .AVI, or .MPG/.MP3/.MP4
should either be loaded on the university media server and linked to inside the Blackboard course,
or loaded to YouTube and included in a Mashup.
Note: copyrighted materials should generally not be loaded to YouTube; please be familiar with
St. Thomas’ copyright policy before using any material that may be copyright-protected.
Adobe PDF files with low-resolution graphics average about 100 KB per page. To reduce the size
of your PDF files open them and save them in the “web optimized” format.
Image/graphic files such as .GIF, .PNG, and .JPG/.JPEG should be about 100 KB per image.
Standard PowerPoint (.PPT or .PPTX) files should generally be no more than 10 MB, depending on the
length and number of images in the file. PPT files with voice-over narration should be no more than 40
MB. To reduce the size of .PPT files, you can divide your presentation into two or more files, or save the
PowerPoint file to PDF format (unless voice-over narration or other audio is necessary).
File Size Guidelines
Instructional Technology Services | Blackboard Faculty Tutorials Page 1